Examples of Converting Preference Share in a sentence
The initial dividend period for each Converting Preference Share will be from and including the Dividend Accrual Date to such date as is specified in the Terms of Issue.
It is conducted by using ASCE/SEI 41- 13 to assess the seismic performance of two alternative design approaches using Canadian building and RC codes for an existing moderately ductile (MD) 10-storey RC shear wall building located in Montreal.
Seer Asset Management Ltd will issue up to 40,000,000 Converting Preference Shares (assuming all oversubscriptions are fully subscribed) at an Offer Price of $0.10 per Converting Preference Share, raising gross proceeds of up to $4 million.
Records reviewed demonstrate that actions are taken in a timely manner.
Terms of the Options are set out in Section 9.What is the consideration payable for each security being offered?Successful Applicants under the Offer will pay the Offer Price, being $0.10 per Converting Preference Share, and will receive one free Option for each Converting Preference Share issued to them.
The Directors may, at the time of issue of any Converting Preference Share, resolve that a Supplementary Dividend may be payable (subject to clause 2.5(d)) in respect of the Converting Preference Share, in which event a Supplementary Dividend (if any) will be paid in accordance with the Terms of Issue.
Following Conversion, each Converting Preference Share will rank equally with and will confer rights identical with and impose obligations identical with all other fully paid ordinary Shares then on issue.
We expect this trend of lower issue margins to continue and we would anticipate the margin on any new Capital Note or Converting Preference Share issuance from a major bank security to be around the 3.00% level.