Copernicus sentinels definition
Examples of Copernicus sentinels in a sentence
The depth of analysis pursued in a given step may be reduced if additional depth is either not needed to conclude that the finding is Green, or if additional depth will not provide any discernible risk reduction benefit.
Sentinel-2 data are freely available from the ESA/EC Copernicus Sentinels Scientific Data Hub at , Landsat 8 data from USGS at .
The remote sensing community is increasingly moving towards open access RS data, with free and open satellite data such as Landsat, MODIS, AVHRR, and Copernicus Sentinels constellation and it provides various benefits to scientific communities, especially the ones in developing countries (Zhu et al., 2019; Rocchini et al., 2017).
These physical inspections shall include area measurement only where necessary to conclude on the compliance with these eligibility criteria, commitments or other obligations.][F11For the purposes of point (c) of the first subparagraph, checks of eligibility criteria, commitments and other obligations which cannot be monitored by Copernicus Sentinels satellite data or other data with at least equivalent value may be limited to a sample of at least 50 % of the agricultural parcels declared by a beneficiary.
These are organised around 9 clear objectives and consider technology (including Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus Sentinels) as a key enabler for CAP2020+.
Access to the ESA and Copernicus Sentinels EO data sets necessary to execute the projects will then be provided to the selected Principal Investigators free of charge.
It primarily focused on the uncertainty needs of Copernicus Sentinels S2 and S3 and their applications e.g. Ocean colour (Uncertainty <3 %) and vegetation Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) e.g. Leaf Area Index (LA) (accuracy <20 %).
As well as the ESA EO missions of the current Earth Explores and heritage missions, there are 3rd party missions, Proba and the Copernicus Sentinels available at ESA.
Despite the fact that methodologies to combine coincident measurements from vertical sounders developed to a relatively lesser extent compared50 to similar classes of algorithms applicable to imaging systems, they are of great and increasing importance to respond to the need for full exploitation of data from new satellites, such as the Copernicus Sentinels and contributing missions.
Large archives of satellite data from the USGS/ NASA Landsat and the Copernicus Sentinels, among others, offer unprecedented capabilities for identifying and analyzing patterns of urbanization and disaggregating types of built-up structures (e.g., buildings, road networks).