Examples of Corresponding quarter in a sentence
Deputy Mayor Peloza and Councilmembers Holman and Baggett voted yes.
Income Tax Expense Current Quarter Ended Preceding Year Corresponding quarter Ended 31 March 2010 31 March 2009 RM’000RM’000Current taxation - Ordinary Activities The Group’s effective tax rate for the current financial quarter and preceding year corresponding quarter was lower than the statutory tax rate mainly due to the investment income that is not taxable and pioneer status enjoyed by Dominant.
Review of Performance (Cont’d)i) Current quarter vs Corresponding quarter of the preceding year (Cont’d)O&M contribute 89.9% of revenue in Q2FY18 with an increase of RM184.1 million or 34.2% against Q2FY17.
In isotropic, random pore net- works with no spatial correlation, as an invading fluid displaces a defending fluid in the absence of gravity, a threshold radius is achieved after which the network is spanned, or “perco- lates,” in all directions.
Corresponding quarter comparison shows that M1 rose by 13.7 percent, from L$22,495.8 million at end-March, 2011, (Table 11 & Chart 8).
CurrentYear quarter endedPrecedingYear Corresponding quarter ended Current Yearto datePrecedingYear Correspondingperiod30/06/201230/06/201130/06/201230/06/2011RM '000(Loss)/Profit attributable toRM '000RM '000RM '000ordinary equity holders of theparent (2,275) (1,594) (1,227) 6,553Weighted average number of- Issued ordinary shares atbeginning of period 68,081 68,081 68,081 68,081- Effect of Shares Buy Back14.
Taxation comprises the following: Malaysian Taxation Preceding year Current Corresponding quarter ended quarter ended 30/04/09 30/04/08RM'000 RM'000- current taxation 6,325 3,168- deferred taxation 166 222Foreign Taxation- current taxation 1,094 1,014 7,585 4,404 The effective tax rate of 11% for the current quarter is lower than the statutory tax rate of 25% principally due to lower statutory tax rates for offshore subsidiary companies.
Corresponding quarter ended Current year to date Corresponding year to date 31-Jul-08 31-Jul-07 31-Jul-08 31-Jul-07 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000Current year income tax218 721 694 1,647Underprovision in respect of prior years83 - 849 - 301 721 1,543 1,647 The effective tax rate of the Group is lower than the statutory tax rate for the quarter mainly due to utilisation of unabsorbed tax losses.
Corresponding- quarter analysis indicates that total loan grew by 27.0 percent, compared with L$13,757.2 million at end-March, 2011 (Table 8).
In a resident-owned community (ROC), homeowners form a non-profit called a cooperative.