Examples of Council Chairman in a sentence
Notice to the Yakama Nation must be sent to the Tribal Council Chairman at P.O. Box 151 / 401 Fort Road, Toppenish, WA 98948, with courtesy copies to the Yakama Nation’s Project Manager electronically at their email address listed above in section 3.01(a), and to the Yakama Nation Office of Legal Counsel at P.O. Box 150 / 401 Fort Road, Toppenish, WA 98948.
Consultant understands and agrees that any material changes, modifications, or addendums to this Agreement and/or the underlying Project must be authorized in writing by the Yakama Tribal Council, acting through its designated representative Committee via duly authorized Committee Action, and executed by the Yakama Tribal Council Chairman.
If the exchange of CHRI is suspended, it may be reinstated after satisfactory written assurances have been provided to the Compact Council Chairman or the United States Attorney General by the Compact Officer/Chief Administrator, the Authorized Recipient and the Contractor that the security violation has been resolved.
Also in pursuance of the revised Administrative Measures, the Council Chairman requested Members in Categories III and IV to inform him before the next meeting of the Council as to when their payment of arrears might be expected.
Council Chairman Chip Henderson called the meeting to order with Vice Chair Dr. Carol Berz and Councilpersons Chris Anderson, Moses Freeman, Russell Gilbert, Larry Grohn, Yusuf Hakeem, Jerry Mitchell and Ken Smith all present.
Council Chairman Chip Henderson called the meeting to order by electronic means.
The Compact Council Chairman shall refer the response letter to the Sanctions Committee for appropriate action.
Council Chairman Moses Freeman called the meeting to order with Vice Chair Jerry Mitchell and Council members Chris Anderson, Carol Berz, Russell Gilbert, Larry Grohn, Yusuf Hakeem, Chip Henderson and Ken Smith all present.
Mayor Dyster welcomed those present, thanked the residents for their support and then spoke of the great things to come for the City.Judge Violante then administered the Oath of Office to County Legislatores Owen Steed, Jason Zona and Dennis Virtuoso.There being no further business to come before the Council, Chairman Touma adjourned the Meeting at 12:00 noon.Carol A.
Three days later, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council Chairman Su Chi added that “While we continue to show our goodwill, Mainland China continues to tighten its ‘one China principle.’ Therefore, it is unnecessary for us to stick to our previous position.