Examples of County court in a sentence
The Monitoring Group members will include individuals knowledgeable about the County’s alternative education program and special education, such as County court and community school administrators, teachers, and office support staff.
For all court schools, the County will ensure that students enrolled at each County court school who are suspected to have a disability under Section 504 (which may include eligibility under IDEA) are appropriately identified, referred, evaluated, placed, and served based on their individualized educational needs.
The County will disseminate the procedures developed and modified as a means of implementing this Agreement to all County and site-level staff with responsibilities relating to the identification, referral, evaluation, placement, recordkeeping, and provision of special education and related aids and services to students with disabilities enrolled in the County court and community schools, and will train staff regarding their job responsibilities under these procedures.
In developing the standardized records process across its alternative education program sites detailed in this section, the County will request input from office specialists and other appropriate County court and community school site staff to identify concerns with the current processes and to obtain recommendations on how to ensure an effective standardized process for requesting and receiving educational records.
To the extent that the County court school staff may not be able to complete this process for a student, due to the student’s limited enrollment time at the court school, the court school will document the steps it has taken and provide the necessary information to the student’s subsequent school of enrollment, if known.