County Judge definition
Examples of County Judge in a sentence
A speaker whose subject matter as submitted relates to an identifiable item of business on this agenda will be requested by the County Judge or other presiding court member to come to the podium where they will be limited to three minutes (3).
County has caused this Contract to be signed in its name by its duly authorized County Judge, as has Engineer, signing by and through its duly authorized representative(s), thereby binding the parties hereto, their successors, assigns and representatives for the faithful and full performance of the terms and provisions hereof, to be effective as of the date of the last party’s execution below.
The person signing on behalf of the Proposer expressly affirms that the person is duly authorized to render the proposal and to sign the proposal sheets and contract under the terms and conditions of this RFP and to bind the Proposer thereto and further understands that the signing of the contract shall be of no effect until it is properly placed on the Commissioner’s Court agenda, approved in open Court, authorized to be executed by the County Judge, and fully executed by both parties.
Jefferson County Commissioners’ Court must award the contract, and the County Judge or other person authorized by Jefferson County Commissioners’ Court must sign the contract before it becomes binding on Jefferson County or the Offeror.
This offer is not subject to withdrawal unless upon mutual written agreement by the Bidder and County Judge.