County jail definition

County jail means local county correctional facility.
County jail means a facility operated by a county for the physical detention and correction of persons charged with, or convicted of, criminal offenses or ordinance violations or persons found guilty of civil or criminal contempt.
County jail means a facility operated by a county for the

Examples of County jail in a sentence

  • The Contract Agency's inmates may be removed from the County jail for reasons outlined below.

  • The disciplinary policies and rules of the County jail will apply equally to inmates confined pursuant to this Agreement and to those otherwise confined.

  • Except in situations deemed an emergency by the County, the County shall notify the Contract Agency’s contact person in writing, by mail or facsimile, prior to transfer of a Contract Agency’s inmate to a medical, dental or psychiatric provider outside of the County jail or to a hospital for medical, psychiatric or dental services.

  • The Contract Agency’s inmate may be removed from the County jail for medical, psychiatric or dental treatment or care not available within the County jail.

  • The Contract Agency shall also be responsible for costs associated with the delivery of medical, psychiatric, dental, and emergency medical services provided to an inmate which are not available from the health care program within the County jail.

More Definitions of County jail

County jail means a facility operated by a county for the physical detention and correction of persons charged with or convicted of criminal offenses and ordinance violations, persons found guilty of civil or criminal contempt, and juveniles detained by court order.
County jail means a facility operated by or for a county for the confinement of persons accused or convicted of an offense.
County jail means a confinement facility established and maintained by a county. "Correctional facility" means a city or county jail or detention
County jail means a facility operated or
County jail means a confinement facility established and maintained by a county.
County jail means a confinement facility established and maintained by a county. "Correctional facility" means a city or county jail or detention center, regional corrections center, or juvenile detention center for the detention or confinement of persons in accordance with law. The use of the term does not imply and may not be used to require the provision of services including treatment, counseling, vocational, or educational services, except as may otherwise be required or provided for under this chapter.
County jail means all detention and penal facilities of a county, charter county, urban-county government, unified local government, or consolidated local government for adult offenders, together with all its rehabilitative facilities for adult offenders, including facilities operated by private agencies under contract with the county, charter county, urban-county government, unified local government, or consolidated local government;