Course Instructor definition
Examples of Course Instructor in a sentence
The Employee will report to the Department Chair or Course Instructor.
The following templates are used to report staff data or data linked to staff: Staff Snapshot Template Data (SIRS 320) Staff Snapshot Template: A Staff Snapshot record must be reported to the State Data Warehouse (Level 2) before any other staff record type for that person can be reported (i.e., Staff Assignment, Staff Evaluation Rating, Staff Tenure, Staff Attendance, Course Instructor Assignment, and Staff Student Course).
If s/he is not providing instruction, no BEDS (ePMF) form, Course Instructor Assignment, or Staff Student Course (SSC) record is required.
Where the Employer determines that a particular course may be cancelled due to under-enrolment, and where an appointment has already been made to a Course Instructor position related to such course, the Employer may decide that the course will proceed in any event.
The following templates are used to report staff data or data linked to staff: Staff Snapshot Template Data (SIRS 320) Staff Snapshot Template: A Staff Snapshot record must be reported to the State Data Warehouse (Level 2) before any other staff record type for that person can be reported (i.e., Staff Assignment, Staff Evaluation Rating, Staff Tenure, Staff Attendance, Course Instructor Assignment).