Coversheet definition

Coversheet refers to the first page of this Agreement.
Coversheet refers to the first page of this Agreement. “Deliverables” is defined in Appendix A.
Coversheet means the signature page of this Agreement.

Examples of Coversheet in a sentence

  • Amendments to the Agreement shall be authorized via bilateral execution of a Standard Amendment Coversheet form.

  • An Amendment is required to change the Contractor’s name as set forth on the Standard Amendment Coversheet form.

More Definitions of Coversheet

Coversheet means the pages of this agreement which appear after the title page of the agreement and those pages preceding the definitions page. The coversheet forms part of the agreement.
Coversheet refers to the first page of this Agreement. “Effective Date” is defined on the Coversheet. “Establishing JBE” is defined on the Coversheet.
Coversheet refers to the first sheet of this Agreement. 1 Additional capitalized terms may be defined in the other Appendices to this Agreement
Coversheet refers to the first page of this Agreement. “Effective Date” is defined on the Coversheet.
Coversheet refers to the first page of this Agreement. “Day” means calendar day, unless otherwise specified. “Deliverables” is defined in Appendix A.
Coversheet refers to the first page of this Agreement, and is defined on the Coversheet.
Coversheet means the form used by the Court which is the signature page of the Agreement.