Establishing JBE definition
Examples of Establishing JBE in a sentence
The Establishing JBE may terminate, in whole or in part, this Agreement (and a JBE may terminate, in whole or in part, a Participating Addendum) for convenience upon thirty (30) days prior Notice.
Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, no amendment or change to this Agreement will be effective unless expressly agreed in writing by a duly authorized officer of the Establishing JBE.
Before Contractor begins performing Services, Contractor shall give the Establishing JBE (and on request, any Participating Entity) certificates of insurance attesting to the existence of coverage.
After receipt of such Notice, and except as otherwise directed by the Establishing JBE (and regarding a Participating Addendum, except as otherwise directed by the JBE), Contractor shall immediately: (a) stop Services (or development of Deliverables) as specified in the Notice; and (b) stop the delivery or manufacture of Goods as specified in the Notice.
Contractor shall provide prompt written notice to the Establishing JBE and any Participating Entity in the event that insurance coverage is cancelled or materially changed from the coverage set forth in the current certificate of insurance provided to the Establishing JBE and Participating Entities.
Subject to written approval by the Establishing JBE, Contractor may change its project manager without need for an amendment to this Agreement.
A waiver of enforcement of any of this Agreement’s terms or conditions by the Establishing JBE is effective only if expressly agreed in writing by a duly authorized officer of the Establishing JBE.
The Establishing JBE may invalidate this Agreement (and a JBE may invalidate a Participating Addendum) under the termination for convenience or cancellation clause (providing for no more than thirty (30) days’ Notice of termination or cancellation) or amend this Agreement (or Participating Addendum) to reflect any reduction in funds.
If the Establishing JBE terminates this Agreement (or if a JBE terminates a Participating Addendum) in whole or in part for cause, the JBE may acquire from third parties, under the terms and in the manner the JBE considers appropriate, goods or services equivalent to those terminated, and Contractor shall be liable to the JBE for any excess costs for those goods or services.
Contractor shall not make any public announcement or press release about this Agreement (or any Participating Addendum) without the prior written approval of the Establishing JBE (and with respect to any Participating Addendum, the prior written approval of the applicable JBE).