CPSU definition

CPSU means Central Public Sector Undertaking
CPSU means Central Public Sector Undertaking"CST"means Central Sales Tax"DDO"means Direct Demanding Officer in Rate Contracts"DGS&D"means Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals"DP'means Delivery Period"ECS"means Electronic clearing system"ED"means Excise DutyEMDmeans Earnest money deposit"EOI"means Expression of Interest (Tendering System)"ERV"means Exchange rate variations"FAS"means Free alongside shipment"FOB"means Freight on Board"FOR"means Free on Rail"GCC"means General Conditions of ContractGITmeans General Instructions to TenderersGSTmeans Goods and Services Tax which will replace Sales Tax"H1, H2 etc"means First Highest, Second Highest Offers etc in Disposal TendersIncotermsmeans International Commercial Terms, 2000 (of ICC)"L1. L2 etc"means First or second Lowest Offer etc."LC"means Letter of Credit"LD or L/D"means Liquidated Damages"LSI"means Large Scale Industry"NIT"means Notice Inviting Tenders."NSIC"means National small industries corporation"PQB"means Pre qualification bidding"PSU"means Public Sector Undertaking"PVC"means Price variation clause"RC"means Rate contract"RR or R/R"means Railway Receipt"SBD" or "T D"means Standard Bid Document / Tender Document"SCC"means Special Conditions of Contract"SIT"means Special Instructions to Tenderers"BRBNMPL"means Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited"SS I"means Small Scale Industry"ST"means Sales Tax"VAT"means Value Added Tax

Examples of CPSU in a sentence

  • The format of arbitration clause in respect of indigenous private bidders, foreign bidders and CPSU are given in Annexure-III, IV & V respectively.

  • The format of arbitration clause in respect of indigenous private bidders, foreign bidders and CPSU are given in Annexure-II, III & IV respectively.

  • The tenderers are requested to go through latest instructions of Government of India on its preference policy for CPSU s before quoting for the tender.

  • If none of the offers received are compliant to the shelf life as stipulated in the tender conditions, the Contracting Authority still reserves the right to consider offers provided that any expired stock is recollected by the Contractor and replaced or credited according to the prerogative of the Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (CPSU).

  • Samples, whenever requested, should be submitted at the Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (CPSU), G’Mangia Malta, within three (3) working days of notification.

More Definitions of CPSU

CPSU means the company owned by Union Govt. of India or the successors of company.
CPSU means the Community & Public Sector Union.
CPSU means the Central Public-Sector Undertakings viz. BSNL, PGCIL and Railtel and their respective units who are engaged in the BHARATNET project.
CPSU and/or "the Union" shall means "CPSU, the Community and Public Sector Union". 3.73.10 "the Group" shall means the CPSU SPSF Group.
CPSU means Central Public Sector Undertaking “IFFI” means International Film Festival of India “PSA” means Public Service Awareness
CPSU means Central Public Sector