CPSU definition
Examples of CPSU in a sentence
The format of arbitration clause in respect of indigenous private bidders, foreign bidders and CPSU are given in Annexure-III, IV & V respectively.
The format of arbitration clause in respect of indigenous private bidders, foreign bidders and CPSU are given in Annexure-II, III & IV respectively.
The tenderers are requested to go through latest instructions of Government of India on its preference policy for CPSU s before quoting for the tender.
If none of the offers received are compliant to the shelf life as stipulated in the tender conditions, the Contracting Authority still reserves the right to consider offers provided that any expired stock is recollected by the Contractor and replaced or credited according to the prerogative of the Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (CPSU).
Samples, whenever requested, should be submitted at the Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (CPSU), G’Mangia Malta, within three (3) working days of notification.