Examples of RSU in a sentence
Σ After σi is authenticated, RSU selects dRSU ∈ Zq∗ and computes Di = dRSU PIDi,1.
Then upon receiving the information from Vi, RSU decrypts the information using its secret key DECSKRSU (ENCP KRSU (ri PIDi σi Ti)).
RSU selects a random nonce dRSUΣ∈ Zq∗, and computes Di = dRSU PIDi,1 and 2 Review of Xxx et al.’s SEGKA Xxx et al.’s [9] SEGKA scheme consists of seven phases: parameter initialization, vehicle and RSU registration, vehicle signing, RSU verification, group key generation, group member joining, and group member leaving.
Since the channel between Vi and RSU is not secure (contrary to the statement mentioned by the authors), can get into the message and launch several kinds of attacks.
In this phase, we make a signature σ′ key K′ = eˆ R SΣU before they compute their new group modification where the RSU will do the summation of Di .