Examples of CPUC Decisions in a sentence
For illustrative purposes only, pursuant to the CAISO Tariff and CPUC Decisions in effect as of the Execution Date, the monthly Compliance Showing made in June is for the Showing Month of August.
The criteria in this Section 40.8 shall apply only: (i) where the CPUC or Local Regulatory Authority has not established and provided to the CAISO criteria to determine the types of resources that may be eligible to provide Qualifying Capacity and for calculating Qualifying Capacity for such eligible resource types and (ii) until the CAISO has been notified in writing by the CPUC of its intent to overturn, reject or fundamentally modify the capacity-based framework in CPUC Decisions 04-01-050 (Jan.
The Original Participating TOs identified in Section 2.1.1 shall be deemed to have placed such transmission lines and associated facilities and Entitlements under the CAISO’s Operational Control as of the date the CPUC or its delegate declares to be the start date for direct access pursuant to CPUC Decisions 97- 12-131 and 00-00-000.
For illustrative purposes only, pursuant to the CPUC Decisions in effect as of the Confirmation Execution Date, the monthly RAR Showing made in June is for the Showing Month of August.
The requirements for participation by an IE in utility solicitations are outlined in CPUC Decisions (“D”).04-12-048 (Findings of Fact 94-95, Ordering Paragraph 28), D.06-05- 039 (Finding of Fact 20, Conclusion of Law 3, Ordering Paragraph 8) of the CPUC, D.09-06-050 and D.10-07-042.