Record of Decision definition

Record of Decision means a Record of Decision of an application for municipal planning approval as contemplated in section 55;
Record of Decision or “ROD” shall mean the EPA Record of Decision relating to the [Site or Operable Unit at the Site] signed on ______, 20__, by the Regional Administrator, EPA Region __, or his/her delegate, and all attachments thereto. The ROD is attached as Appendix A.
Record of Decision means a document

Examples of Record of Decision in a sentence

  • Given that read latency can be minimized by an efficient update proto- col, the problem becomes one of minimizing write latency, that is, detecting writes.It might appear that write detection in an RT-DSM system is not as efficient as in a VM-DSM system because there is a constant overhead for each write.

  • An interim remedial measure (IRM) is conducted at a site when a source of contamination or exposure pathway can be effectively addressed before issuance of the Record of Decision.

  • TP Attachment 000-0 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Project Record of Decision (ROD) Developer’s Environmental Commitment Requirements The following table includes the Project-specific environmental commitments as written in the ROD, with minor modifications for clarification purposes.

  • Comments will be summarized and addressed in the responsiveness summary section of the Record of Decision (ROD).

  • This Record of Decision (ROD) identifies the selected remedy, summarizes the other alternatives considered, and discusses the reasons for selecting the remedy.

More Definitions of Record of Decision

Record of Decision or “ROD” shall mean the EPA Record of Decision relating to the Site signed on September 29, 2006, by the Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, or her delegate, and all attachments thereto. The ROD is attached as Appendix A.
Record of Decision or “ROD” shall mean the EPA Record of Decision relating to the Site, signed on January 3, 2017, by the Administrator of EPA, all attachments thereto and any subsequent ROD amendment or Explanation of Significant Differences. A copy of the ROD can be found at and is incorporated by reference hereto.
Record of Decision or “ROD” shall mean the EPA Record of Decision for
Record of Decision means a Record of Decision of an application for municipal planning approval, including any amendment thereto, or a Record of Decision by the Municipal Planning Appeal Authority as contemplated in this By-­‐law;
Record of Decision or “ROD” shall mean the EPA Record of Decision relating to OU1 of the Site signed on November 30, 2012, by the Director of the Superfund Division, EPA Region 5, and all attachments thereto. The ROD is attached as Appendix I.
Record of Decision or “ROD” shall mean the EPA Record of Decision relating to the Site signed on September 30, 2009, by the Director of the Superfund Division, EPA Region 6, or his/her delegate, and all attachments thereto. The ROD is attached as Appendix A.
Record of Decision. ’ means a document prepared by a lead agency under NEPA following an environmental impact statement that states the lead agency’s decision, identifies the alternatives considered by the agency in reaching its decision and states whether all practicable means to avoid or minimize environmental harm from the alternative selected have been adopted, and if not, why they were not adopted.