Examples of Credit Act in a sentence
The Account Holder, surety or legal guardian hereby consents to the disclosure and exchange of personal financial information to a credit bureau or financial institution in accordance with the National Credit Act.
The FLCA subsidiary is exempt from federal and state income taxes as provided in the Farm Credit Act.
It was established by Acts of Congress and is subject to the provisions of the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended (Farm Credit Act).
The Association is authorized under the Farm Credit Act to accept advance payments from borrowers.
We are a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act (NCR Reg No NCRCP16).
The Farm Credit Act also established the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Insurance Corporation) to administer the Farm Credit Insurance Fund (Insurance Fund).
The Customer warrants that all purchases under this agreement are for commercial purposes only and, accordingly, the provisions of the Consumer Credit Act will not apply.
If you are a consumer as defined under the Consumer Credit Act, you will have the benefit of a 14 day cooling off period.
You will also need to complete and sign a credit agreement in accordance with the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
The Farm Credit Act sets forth the types of authorized lending activity and financial services that can be offered by the Association, and the persons eligible to borrow.