Examples of Credit Control in a sentence
In the case of debtors whose accounts become in arrears, it is endeavoured to collect such accounts by "levying of penalty charges", "demand for payment", "restriction of services" and, as a last resort, "handed over for collection", whichever procedure is applicable in terms of Council's Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy.
For transactions that are not denominated in the functional currency of the relevant operating unit, the Group does not offer credit terms without the specific approval of the Head of Credit Control.
Instructions for the use of eLOCCS are in Notice PIH 2002-28 (HA), Use of eLOCCS (electronic Line of Credit Control System) to Request Operating Subsidy Payments and Elimination of Form HUD-52721.
The Council will therefore adopt and apply a Credit Control and Debt Collection policy to ensure that property rates and service charges are fully recovered.
With regards to customer service agreements, deposits and guarantees, accounts and billing, and all other items pertaining to credit control and debt collection, related to tariffs, reference must be made to the Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy.