Service Delivery Sample Clauses

Service Delivery. Grantee shall: 1. Adhere to the Priority Populations for Treatment Programs as stated in the SUD UM Guidelines. 2. Maintain Daily Capacity Management Report in CMBHS as required in the SUD UM Guidelines. 3. Maintain a Waiting List to track all eligible individuals who have been screened but cannot be admitted to SUD treatment immediately. i. Grantee that has an individual identified as a federal and state priority population on the waiting list shall confirm this in the Daily Capacity Management Report. ii. Grantee shall arrange for appropriate services in another treatment facility or provide access to interim services as indicated within 48 hours when efforts to refer to other appropriate services are exhausted. iii. Grantee shall offer directly or through referral interim services to wait-listed individuals. iv. Establish a wait list that includes priority populations and interim services while awaiting admission to treatment services. v. Develop a mechanism to maintain contact with individuals awaiting admission. 4. If unable to provide admissions to individuals within Priority Populations for Treatment Programs according to SUD UM Guidelines: i. Implement written procedures that address maintaining weekly contact with individuals waiting for admissions as well as what referrals are made when a client cannot be admitted for services immediately. ii. When Grantee cannot admit a client, who is at risk for dangerous for withdrawal, Grantee shall ensure that an emergency medical care provider is notified. iii. Coordinate with an alternate provider for immediate admission. iv. Notify Substance Use Disorder (Xxxxxxxxx_Xxx_Xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx) so that assistance can be provided that ensures immediate admission to other appropriate services and proper coordination when appropriate. v. Provide pre-admission service coordination to reduce barriers to treatment, enhance motivation, stabilize life situations, and facilitate engagement in treatment. vi. Adhere to Informed Consent Document for Opioid Use Disorder applicable to the individual as stated in the SUD UM Guidelines. vii. When an individual is placed on the Wait List, Grantee shall document interim services as referrals that provides applicable testing, counseling, and treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Service Delivery. 3.1 The Services to be delivered under this Agreement are those as set out in Schedule 1 (Specification). The detailed requirements in respect of the Services are also set out in the Funding Rules as amended from time to time by the Department and which form part of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3.2 The Services are to be delivered in accordance with the Specification, specific requirements of the Department, and all other Schedules, which all form part of the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 3.3 The Provider will comply (and will ensure that any sub-contractor complies) with the Department Policies. 3.4 The Provider will ensure that data relating to Learners including Learner records is held and saved in a format that can be reasonably accessed by the Department on request.
Service Delivery. Grantee shall: 1. Ensure that services to adult and youth clients, as defined as the SUD UM Guidelines, are age-appropriate and are provided by staff within their scope of practice. 2. Provide all services in a culturally, linguistically, and developmentally appropriate manner for clients, families, and/or significant others. 3. Develop a policy and procedure and have them available for system agency review on staff training to ensure that information is gathered from clients in a respectful, non-threatening, and culturally competent manner. 4. Adhere to TAC related to Access to Services for COPSD Clients. 5. Conduct and document a full substance use disorder and mental health assessment (separate or integrated) within three individual service days of admission to services unless completed prior to admission. If the assessment identifies a potential mental health or substance use disorder problem, Grantee shall offer the client appropriate mental health and/or substance use disorder services either internally or through referral. Mental health services shall be provided by a facility or qualified person authorized to provide such services. 6. Document in CMBHS on the client’s treatment plan both mental health problems and SUD problems with a goal, objectives and strategies documented for each problem. 7. Adhere to TAC related to Treatment Planning of Services to Clients with COPSD. 8. Document in CMBHS the treatment plan within five (5) service days of admission. 9. At a minimum, Grantee shall conduct a treatment plan review every three months. 10. Provide and document in CMBHS services that assist in client stabilization, including Motivational Interviewing, referrals, case management and other counseling as indicated by the treatment plan based on the clinical assessment. 11. Address both psychiatric and substance use disorders simultaneously and assist clients in obtaining available services they need and choose, including self-help groups. Services shall be provided within established practice guidelines for this population. 12. Provide individual counseling and case management as indicated below: i. Individual Counseling comprises counseling methods from qualified staff that assist clients in processing feelings in the area of gaining access to and remaining engaged in substance use disorder or mental health services or obtaining access to both. ii. Case Management comprises services that assist and support the client in developing skills to gain acce...
Service Delivery. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, Upwork has the right, in its sole discretion, to provide the Platform and one or more of its Services through Upwork, an Upwork Affiliate, or a third-party subcontractor. Upwork will at all times remain responsible for its Affiliates’ or subcontractors’ compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
Service Delivery. 21.1. The Contractor shall make available the full range of Services outlined in Section 3.2 of this Specification. 21.2. The Contractor shall be required to provide services to organisations across the whole of Scotland. This could exceptionally also include Scottish based organisations with overseas locations (e.g. Universities with branch campuses) typically connected by a Virtual Private Network (VPN). 21.3. Services may be called off on either an organisation specific or collaborative basis (e.g. Framework Public Bodies grouped together in a local geographic region may decide to aggregate their requirements and request collaboratively delivered solutions via a Community Cloud model). Suggested solutions shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Framework Public Bodies. 21.4. Contractors must be able to deliver services using a “buy-as-you-consume” model (i.e. only paying for services as they are used) allowing Framework Public Bodies to leverage all of the essential characteristics of cloud services in the most cost effective way thus ensuring value for money. 21.5. Contractors may engage the services of sub-contractors or consortia members to achieve service provision across Scotland. If the intention is to do so, they must advise the Authority as part of their tender response. Any subcontractors or consortia member which the Contractor wishes to appoint after the start date of the Framework must be approved by the Authority.
Service Delivery. A. Community Resource and Referral - CONTRACTOR will be responsible for actively linking program participants with other needed services and follow-up to ensure that the linkage was successful. The CONTRACTOR must establish itself as an active participant in the local social service network and advocate within such network for the timely and comprehensive response to the needs of to victims of domestic violence and their children. B. One-Stop Center Referral - CONTRACTOR will be responsible for actively referring and linking job-needy clients to their regional One-Stop Center for employment and training services. C. Service Duration – Shelter services provided under this agreement are not to exceed forty-five (45) days for each family or household member in a fiscal year unless otherwise approved in writing by County. 1. CONTRACTOR must identify substance abuse problems among participants and make appropriate referrals. 2. CONTRACTOR must pursue other funding support beyond the County Domestic Violence Shelter-Based Programs Act Fund. D. If CONTRACTOR does not have enough available beds to accommodate the domestic violence victim(s), the CONTRACTOR agrees to: 1. Provide referrals to other County-funded domestic violence shelters; or 2. Provide direct referrals to other appropriate shelters to ensure the safety of the victim(s).
Service Delivery. 4.2.1. The Joint Committee is required to make arrangements for: Allowing Council staff access to the Joint Committee’s business premises if necessary at reasonable times for the provision of the Support Services. The provision of suitable accommodation for the use of the Support Services on the Joint Committee’s business premises, at its own cost, as may be necessary. Agreed adherence to Durham County Council’s Members Code of Conduct and Constitution. Allowing Council staff access to all relevant assets, records (including those belonging to third parties, subject to the Joint Committee having lawful authority to do so) documents, correspondence, electronic files, software and other systems as may be necessary for the provision of the Service. Allowing and facilitating where necessary direct access by the Finance Manager: Neighbourhood and Climate Change / Principal Accountant: Environmental Services, to the Chair of the Joint Committee and the Treasurer (or his nominated representative) for the purpose of delivering the relevant services. Approving the Joint Committees Annual Return, Annual Governance Statement, Revenue and Capital Budgets and all other Financial Reports. Taking whatever action it considers necessary as a result of issues highlighted by the Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change.
Service Delivery. 1. Admit individuals based on the following federal priority populations established for entering State funded substance use disorder services: i. Pregnant injecting individuals must be admitted immediately; ii. Pregnant individuals must be admitted immediately; iii. Injecting drug users must be admitted within fourteen days. 2. Admit individuals based on the State priority populations, State priority populations have been established for entering State funded substance use disorder services: i. Individuals identified as being at high risk for overdose must be admitted within 72 hours; ii. Individuals referred by Department Family Protective Services (DFPS) must be admitted within 72 hours; 3. Establish screening procedures to identify individuals of federal and State priority populations. 4. Ensure successful referral and admittance within the time frame to another System Agency funded contractor, or System Agency Waiting List and Capacity Management Coordinator, if a placement is not possible. 5. Accept clients from every region in the State and from the OSAR, when capacity is available to accommodate federal and State priority population. i. If two individuals are of equal priority status, preference may be given to the individual living in Grantee’s service area region. ii. Grantee will include a statement in all brochures, and will post a notice in all applicable lobbies, the federal and State priority population admission requirements. iii. When space is not available, Grantee will contact the System Agency Waiting List and Capacity Management Coordinator regarding the DFPS priority population individual placed on the waitlist. 6. Document the previous day’s capacity in CMBHS, Daily Capacity Management Report, on Monday through Friday by 11:00am Central Time. 7. Maintain a wait list in CMBHS to track all eligible individuals who have been screened but cannot be admitted to MAT immediately. 8. Implement written procedures that address maintaining weekly contact with individuals waiting for admission, as well as what referrals are made, when a Client cannot be admitted for services immediately. 9. Implement written procedures that address monthly contact with Clients currently receiving MAT services and waiting for a State-funded slot. 10. When Grantee cannot admit a Client, Grantee shall: i. Ensure that an emergency medical care provider is notified if applicable; ii. Coordinate with an alternate provider for immediate admission; iii. Notify Substance...