Violent felony means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-3-203.5.
offence means any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force;
Victim means a person that domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking has been committed against as defined in this Article.
Birth center means a facility or institution, which is not an ambulatory surgical center or a hospital or in a hospital, in which births are planned to occur following a normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy.
Crime means a misdemeanor or a felony.
Child care center means an entity that regularly provides child day care and early learning services for a group of children for periods of less than twenty-four hours licensed by the Washington state department of early learning under chapter 170-295 WAC.
Miscarriage means expulsion of the contents of a pregnant uterus at any period prior to or during the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy but does not include any miscarriage, the causing of which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860);
serious offence means: (a) a crime or offence involving the death of a person; (b) a sex-related offence or a crime, including sexual assault (whether against an adult or child); child pornography, or an indecent act involving a child; (c) fraud, money laundering, insider dealing or any other financial offence or crime, including those under legislation relating to companies, banking, insurance or other financial services; or (d) an attempt to commit a crime or offence described in (a) to (c);