Examples of Critical species in a sentence
Critical species such as oysters, blue crabs, striped bass and menhaden have huge social and economic importance.
It will be issued in the next few weeks, and will be distributed to EMC members when available.
Critical species of Odonata in western Africa.International Journal of Odonatology, 7(2), 229-238.Drammeh, F.
GWRC is supporting the QEII Trust to actively manage the Stiven covenant near Masterton, to protect the region’s best known population of Gardner's tree daisy (a Threatened-Nationally Critical species).
The presentation of this article is restricted to the key processes determining the most salient composition changes.
Elements for HCV 1 are the existence of customary forest Bukit Murau, that double up as a corridor for IUCN Critical species like Sumatera Tiger (Panthera tigris), IUCN Page 4 of 19Endangered species such Agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis), Sumatran clouded Leopard (Neofeis di- ardi), and Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica).IUCN Vulnerable species such as Malayan Sun Bear (Helarcotos malayanus) and Horn bill (Buceros rhinoceros) are also present.
From an antrophocentric point of view, again, putting a limit for biodiversity loss sounds like letting some species to be lost although we don’t have enough information about its consequences (Critical species tend to create a domino effect).