Culturally inclusive definition
Examples of Culturally inclusive in a sentence
Culturally- inclusive interventions are important to consider when selecting those that will be most effective among various racial/ethnic populations.
Culturally inclusive classrooms acknowledge the entirespectrum of student diversity including ethnicity, language, gender and sexual diversity, background, experiences, learning styles and other influences that may shape student identity.
Mark all that pertains to your project / program: Culturally inclusive Creates a lasting legacy for Indiana’s future Commemorative Engaging and inspiring to youth and young adults Educational Write a description (Maximum 300 words – 2,000 characters) how your project / program will be relevant to Indiana’s WWI Centennial celebration.
Culturally inclusive practices emphasize the teacher‟s role in constructing children‟s learning environments that are welcoming and safe for all children on the first day (Steele & Cohn-Vargas, 2013).Learner-centered teaching emphasizes the needs of the learner and employs multiple teaching methods that the teacher adjusts to tailor lessons to sustain student learning (Horowitz, Darling-Hammond &Bransford, 2005).
Figure 1: Culturally inclusive ecological model ofsexual assault recovery 17Figure 2: An ecological model of the impact of sexual assaulton women’s health 18Figure 3: A flowchart of the study selection process 35Figure 4: 3-Factor solution of the TSI 92Figure 5: Dendrogram using a centroid clustering methodfor the male sample… 126Figure 6: Dendrogram using a centroid clustering methodfor the female sample 129 LIST OF APPENDICIES.
Theory into practice strategies: Culturally inclusive social events [Online].
Culturally inclusive outdoor recreation, environmental education and similar program offerings represent a tangible way to enhance community livability, promote resource stewardship and respond to visitor preferences.
Culturally inclusive Instructional Design: A framework and guide for building online wisdom communities.
Mark all that pertains to your project / program: Culturally inclusive Creates a lasting legacy for Indiana’s future Celebratory Engaging and inspiring to youth and young adults Write a description (Maximum 300 words – 2,000 characters) how your project / program will be relevant to Indiana’s 2016 Bicentennial.
Questions centred on five areas:• Culturally inclusive support• Accessing Private Rental• Financial support• Support linkages and referrals• Implications for the future Culturally Inclusive SupportParticipants identified that they found engaging with a support worker who shared a similar cultural background and spoke the same language highly beneficial to achieving their desired outcomes.