Examples of Medically fragile in a sentence
The flat rate payment for Medically fragile patients under age 21 who require skilled nursing care shall be the same as the flat rate payment for "grandfathered in" ventilator patients, and shall be trended forward using the DRI indices in the same manner as the payment for AIDS patients.
Medically fragile foster caregiver" means a person who has been specifically trained and certified pursuant to rules 5101:2-5-20 to 5101:2-5-37 and 5101:2-7-02 to 5101:2-7-17 of the Administrative Code to provide foster care and other services for medically fragile children placed in the caregiver's medically fragile foster home.
Attendance at parent educationis required for those whose children will be receiving a sacrament for the first time.ReconciliationChildren in 2nd grade receive instruction and have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in late January, or early February.Children in grades 3 through 8 usually have two scheduled opportunities to receive this sacrament during the school year.
Limited access to mental health specialists, stigma associated with mental illness, and negative health outcomes related to undiagnosed or untreated behavioral disorders make it incumbent on primary care providers to address their patients’ mental health needs.7 Medically fragile is defined as a chronic physical condition which results in a prolonged dependency on medical care for which daily skilled (nursing) intervention is medically necessary.
Circumstances which shall require such an outlay of funds causing a provider to exceed the class ceilings as referenced above shall be limited to: a) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) diagnosed patients requiring isolation care; b) Medically fragile patients under age 21 who require skilled nursing care.