Curatorial Facility definition

Curatorial Facility means either:

Examples of Curatorial Facility in a sentence

  • The NASA Astromaterials Curatorial Facility, located at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC), provides curation for any samples of extraterrestrial materials and space-exposed hardware returned by missions.

  • The Lunar Sample Curatorial Facility and the Sample Information and Control Center are located in a specially designed building constructed to provide secure storage for the Apollo lunar sample collection and to protect the collection from contamination during storage and processing for transfer to laboratories for analysis.

  • Amended definitions to "Curatorial Facility" and its alternates in a way that better aligns with the ORS.

  • A small quantity of sample material is stored in a helium atmosphere and has never been exposed to other gases since initial handling in the Lunar Sample Curatorial Facility.

  • John Wiley & Sons, New York.Fort Bliss2012 Processing and Curation of Collections: Requirements for Submission of Archaeological Collections to the Fort Bliss Curatorial Facility.

  • The park SFMP provides life safety guidance.The [BEHO] collection numbers [over 16,000 objects.] It includes [artwork, archeology, history, period decorative arts and furniture, historic photographs, and archival items.] The collections and museum records are housed in the park [Curatorial Facility], with [550 objects] on exhibit in [Hilltop House.][Hilltop House] (FMSS ID# [77777]), built in [1898], is a [two] story structure with a [stone] foundation and a [slate shingle] roof.

  • All projects comply with all laws and regulations regarding export control and the transfer of sensitive proprietary technologies.Uncoupled programs do not drive requirements for the use of specific systems other than common items such as the Planetary Data System (PDS), Deep Space Network (DSN), Astromaterials Curatorial Facility, or Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELVs).

  • In general, technicians working in the Lunar Curatorial Facility will provide actual manipulation of the samples, and can support a variety of photographic requests.

  • Annual consultation meetings with Mesa Verde’s 24 associated tribes included a review of the proposals for the Curatorial Facility and VIC.

  • Following is more information pertaining to how this proposal meets the goals and objectives of these plans and policies: • Construction of the remainder of the Curatorial Facility and VIC.

Related to Curatorial Facility

  • Industrial facility means any nongovernmental or non- residential facility that is used for activities such as agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, manufacturing, transportation, commu- nications, or providing services including electric, gas, and sani- tary services.

  • Commercial Facility means the Commercial Facility made available under this Agreement as described in Clause 2.1 (Facility).

  • Material Facts shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.6(a).

  • material fact has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Securities Act;

  • Residential facility means a home or facility that is licensed by the department of developmental disabilities under section 5123.19 of the Revised Code and in which a child with a developmental disability resides.

  • essential facilities means facilities of a public telecommunications network or service that:

  • State correctional facility means a facility or institution maintained and operated by the department.

  • Clean coal facility means an electric generating

  • Correctional facility means a facility operated under the management and control of the Virginia Department of Corrections.

  • Special Fare means any fare other than a Normal Fare.

  • Medical facility means any of the following:

  • Ambulatory surgical facility means a facility that:  Is licensed by the state where it is located.  Is equipped and operated mainly to provide for surgeries or obstetrical deliveries.  Allows patients to leave the facility the same day the surgery or delivery occurs.

  • State facility means a center or a hospital operated by the department.

  • Public project means any of the following:

  • Sight Triangle means the triangular space formed by the street lines of a corner lot where such lot is located at the intersection of two or more streets and a line drawn from a point in one street line to a point in the other street line, each such point being six (6.0) metres from the point of intersection of the street lines measured along the said street lines, and where the two street lines do not intersect at a point, the point of intersection of the street lines shall be deemed to be the intersection of the projected tangents of the street lines drawn through the extremities of the interior lot lines.

  • Local Facility means any of them.

  • Institutional facility means an organization whose primary purpose is to provide a physical environment for patients to obtain health care services and shall not include those places where physicians, dentists, veterinarians, or other practitioners, who are duly licensed, engage in private practice.

  • Investigative consumer report means a consumer report or portion thereof in which information about a natural person's character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living is obtained through personal interviews with the person's neighbors, friends, associates, acquaintances, or others who may have knowledge concerning such items of information.

  • Sewage sludge weight means the weight of sewage sludge, in dry U.S. tons, including admixtures such as liming materials or bulking agents. Monitoring frequencies for sewage sludge parameters are based on the reported sludge weight generated in a calendar year (use the most recent calendar year data when the NPDES permit is up for renewal).

  • Pesticide means any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, or intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant, other than any article that:

  • Cultural facility means any publicly owned or operated museum, theater, art center, music hall, or other cultural or arts facility.

  • Industrial furnace means any of the following enclosed devices that are integral components of manufacturing processes and that use thermal treatment to accomplish recovery of materials or energy:

  • Educational facility means a structure available for use as a dormitory or other housing facility, including housing facilities for students, a dining hall, student union, administration building, academic building, library, laboratory, research facility, classroom, athletic facility, health care facility, and maintenance, storage, or utility facility, and other structures or facilities related thereto or required or useful for the instruction of students or the conducting of research or the operation of an institution for higher education, including parking and other facilities or structures essential or convenient for the orderly conduct of the institution for higher education, and shall include lands and interests in lands and landscaping, site preparation, furniture, equipment, machinery, and other similar items necessary or convenient for the operation of a particular facility or structure in the manner for which its use is intended, and any improvements necessary to a particular facility to make the facility more energy efficient. Educational facility does not include items as books, fuel, supplies, or other items the costs of which are customarily deemed to result in a current operating charge and does not include any facility used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship, nor a facility which is used or to be used primarily in connection with a part of the program of a school or department of divinity for a religious denomination.

  • Alzheimer S DISEASE’ means the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease as confirmed by a consultant neurologist or geriatrician resulting in significant cognitive impairment.

  • Local Facility Agreements means any agreement under which a Local Facility is made available.

  • Additional Facility is defined in Section 7.01.