Examples of Customs status in a sentence
Customs, however, must be confident that such goods will not “leak" into the economy.Since “FTZ" is a designation to facilitate a specific Customs status for goods in the national territory — primarily enabling businesses to be free of most taxes and duties related to those goods — then goods in these territories are considered outside the Customs territory only as far as import duties and taxes are concerned.
Customs status means the status of goods as Union or non-Union goods (Art 5 (22) UCC), this status is independent of the origin of goods.
For case 12, simulation was performed at 4 GHz, and the radar backscatter data began to saturate when the sea ice thickness input is more than 1.4 m.
The industrial warehouse is a Customs status permitting temporary duty-free admission of goods and products imported by national factories and designated by Customs Administration to be used in the manufacture of their products.
Afterwards, the PCS forwards the ATB number to the terminal and the shipping line by using an IFSTA (Customs status message) message.