Examples of Statement of Grievance in a sentence
Evaluator Unit Member Date: Date: Form DCE-G1 DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION STEP ONE GRIEVANCE For the Board: Year: Board No.: TO: HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE GRIEVANT: WORK AREA: DATE(S) OF ALLEGED CONTRACT VIOLATION: Statement of Grievance (State all known facts pertaining to the alleged breach on which the grievance is based.
The "Statement of Grievance" shall name the grievant, shall state the facts giving rise to the grievance, shall state both date of the alleged occurrence and date of knowledge of alleged occurrence, shall identify the provisions of the contract alleged to be violated by reference, when applicable, shall state the contention of the grievant, shall also state the relief requested by or on behalf of the grievant, and shall be signed by the grievant involved.
If STEP ONE is used and the grievance is not resolved, the grievant must, within five (5) days of receipt of the administrator's answer, submit to the administrator a signed, written "Statement of Grievance." If the grievant elects to by-pass STEP ONE, the formal statement of grievance starts the· grievance procedure.
The "Statement of Grievance" will name the teacher, identify all the provisions of this Agreement alleged to have been violated by the appropriate reference, will state the contention of the teacher/Association with respect to these provisions, will indicate the relief requested and will be signed by the teacher/Association.
Statement of Grievance (specify contract sections which apply, plus a detailed statement of the facts giving rise to the grievance.) Remedy Sought (specify, only if different from Step I) Signature Statement of Decision (state decision, cite contract sections, and give reasons for decision).