proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor definition

proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means:B-BBEE Status level certificate issued by an authorized body or person;A sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice;Any other requirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act;
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means the B-BBEE status level certificate issued by an authorized body or person
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means the B-BBEE status level certificate issued by an authorised body or person, a sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice or any other requirement prescribed in terms of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

More Definitions of proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor

proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means:B-BBEE Status level certificate issued by an authorized body or person; A sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice; Any other requirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act; 6. “QSE” means a qualifying small business enterprise in terms of a code of good practice on black economic empowerment issued in terms of section 9 (1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act; 7 “rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand, calculated at the time of bid invitation, and includes all applicable taxes; 3. POINTS AWARDED FOR PRICE3.1 THE 80/20 OR 90/10 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEMSA maximum of 80 or 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis:80/20 or 90/10 Ps 801 Pt  P min  orPs  901Pt  P min WhereP min  P min Ps = Points scored for price of bid under consideration Pt=Price of bid under considerationPmin=Price of lowest acceptable bid 4. POINTS AWARDED FOR B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTOR4.1 In terms of Regulation 6 (2) and 7 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE Status Level of ContributorNumber of points (90/10 system)Number of points (80/20 system)
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means:2.8.1. B-BBEE Status level certificate issued by an authorized body or person;2.8.2. A sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice;2.8.3. Any other requirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act;2.9. “QSE” means a qualifying small business enterprise in terms of a code of good practice on black economic empowerment issued in terms of section 9 (1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;2.10. “rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand, calculated at the time of bid invitation, and includes all applicable taxes;3. POINTS AWARDED FOR PRICE3.1. THE 80/20 OR 90/10 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEMS
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means: 1) B-BBEE Status level certificate issued by an authorised body or person; 2) A sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice; 3) Any other requirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act;
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor. – means –
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means:▪ B-BBEE Status level certificate issued by an authorized body or person;▪ A sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice;▪ Any other requirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act;NB: ▪ Failure to submit the above documentation will delay the vendor creation process.▪ Where applicable, the respective Services SETA business unit processing your application may request further information from you. E.g. proof of an existence of a Service/Business contract between your business and the SSETA. IMPORTANT NOTES:
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means:• B-BBEE Status level certificate issued by an authorized body or person;• A sworn affidavit as prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice;• Any other requirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act;a. “QSE” means a qualifying small business enterprise in terms of a code of good practice on black economic empowerment issued in terms of section 9 (1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act; a. “rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand, calculated at the time of bid invitation, and includes all applicable taxes; • POINTS AWARDED FOR PRICE• THE 80/20 OR 90/10 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEMSA maximum of 80 or 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis:80/20 or 90/10 orWherePs = Points scored for price of bid under consideration Pt = Price of bid under considerationPmin = Price of lowest acceptable bid • POINTS AWARDED FOR B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTOR• In terms of Regulation 6 (2) and 7 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE Status Level of ContributorNumber of points (90/10 system)Number of points (80/20 system)110Non-compliant contributor • BID DECLARATION• Bidders who claim points in respect of B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution must complete the following:• B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTOR CLAIMED IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPHS 1.4 AND 4.1• B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor: . = ………(maximum of 10 or 20 points)(Points claimed in respect of paragraph 7.1 must be in accordance with the table reflected in paragraph 4.1 and must be substantiated by relevant proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor.• SUB-CONTRACTING• Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? (Tick applicable box) YES NO • If yes, indicate:• What percentage of the contract will be subcontracted. %• The name of the sub-contractor…………………………………………………………..• The B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor......................................……………..• Whether the sub-contractor is an EME or QSE(Tick applicable box)YES NO • Specify, by ticking the appropriate box, if subcontracting with an enterprise in terms of Preferential Procurement Regulations,2017: Designated Group: An EME or QSE which is at last 51% owned by: • DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO COMPANY/FIRM• Name of company/firm:…………………………………………………………………………….• VAT registration number:……………………………………….…………………………………
proof of B-BBEE status level of contributor means:- B-BBEE Statuslevel certificate issued by an authorized body or person;- A sworn affidavitas prescribed by the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice;- Any otherrequirement prescribed in terms of the B-BBEE Act;