Examples of Dam Removal Entity in a sentence
The entity responsible for removal (known as the Dam Removal Entity, or DRE) has yet to be defined.16 The KHSA also addresses the interim operation of the dams as well as proceedings that could lead to transfer, decommissioning and removal of the dams.
The ALSA will clearly explain and demonstrate the proposed pathway for the States to become co-licensees with KRRC, and the process and timeline for filing a new license transfer application as described in Section 3 herein, including treatment of the July 16 Order and confirmation that KRRC will continue to be the Dam Removal Entity.
KRRC will serve as the Dam Removal Entity, which includes providing the identified insurance, bonding, contracting, and indemnity provisions to the States and PacifiCorp.
Following the DRE’s acceptance of the FERC surrender order, PacifiCorp will provide funding of up to $5.4 million for implementation of projects from the PLP approved by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ), the North Coast Regional Water 1 Per year until the date that the Dam Removal Entity (DRE) accepts a Surrender Order issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) regarding the Klamath Hydroelectric Project.
These issues included (1) water rights conflicts in the upper basin that were not addressed in the KBRA and that led to decreased irrigation deliveries in 15 See below section, “Cost of Implementation.” 16 Recommendation of a Dam Removal Entity, or DRE, would be a part of the final Secretarial Determination, which requires congressional authorization.