Examples of Data Quality Objectives in a sentence
Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process.
Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) are quantitative and qualitative statements of the quality of data needed to support specific decisions or actions.
The Program Chemist will act as a POC on all chemistry-related issues and shall be responsible for ensuring that all Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) are met.
Acceptable results are within a defined range based on certified ranges, or against statistically determined control limits, method-defined criteria or client defined Data Quality Objectives.
If a Risk Assessment is expected to be performed once release characterization is complete or nearly complete, Data Quality Objectives (DQO) for a Human Health Risk Assessment requires a Data Quality Objective of Level 3 or greater.
Data Quality Objectives Process for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations.
The guidance is also consistent with Data Quality Objectives Process for Superfund: Interim Final Guidance (EPA 1993) and Soil Screening Guidance: User’s Guide (EPA 1996).
Reducing Radon in Schools A Team Ap- proach US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, EPA 402-R-94-008, March 1994.EPA 2000, Data Quality Objectives Process for Hazard- ous Waste Site Investigations EPA QA/G-4HW EPA/600/R-00/007, January 2000.
Specifically for MMRP, the Senior Project Chemist shall be responsible for the development of the Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP-QAPP) MC Worksheets, development of an electronic QAPP (eQAPP) in FUDSChem, along with the PDT, help establish the project Data Quality Objectives (DQO) following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) seven step DQO process.
The document is based on the principles and steps developed in Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process, but is specific to investigations of hazardous waste sites.