Data Regulation definition
Examples of Data Regulation in a sentence
European Union General Protection Data Regulation (“GDPR”), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.
The bank respects customers’ personal data and has introduced stringent data protection requirements in accordance with the Personal Data Act (Act No 38 of 15 June 2018) and the General Personal Data Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), with pertaining regulations (GDPR).
Favo will comply with the requirements for security measures under the Personal Data Act and the Personal Data Regulation, including particularly the Personal Data Act Section 13-15 with regulations, as well as Article 32 of the GDPR.
The former sees the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Free Flow of non-personal Data Regulation in force.
If the Supplier is in the opinion that an instruction by the Customer infringes the Personal Data Regulation, the Supplier shall immediately inform the Customer.
As a result, there is now a comprehensive framework for a common European data space and the free movement of all data within the European Union.3The Free Flow of Non-Personal Data Regulation creates legal certainty for businesses to process their data wherever they want in the EU, raises trust in data processing services and counters vendor lock-in practices.
Finally, we estimate Engel curves (log food consumption regressed on a constant and the log of total consumption) within each of the three different data sets and show, in Table 7, what the implied differences are with respect to the calculation of the income elasticity of food consumption.
On the bottom of all the screw down globe valves in series with the ESD valves, was a drain cock.
If the Supplier is of the opinion that an instruction by the Customer infringes the Personal Data Regulation, the Supplier shall immediately inform the Customer.
In any case, it is the responsibility of the Client, as Controller, to ensure compliance with the Personal Data Regulation of the Processing that it entrusts to KIZEO, as well as, more generally, the processing on its own information system, with its own employees and other sub-contractors, and to deploy the appropriate technical and organisational measures within its organisation.