Examples of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement in a sentence
In addition the Office of the Interconnection shall schedule Operating Reserves pursuant to those sections to satisfy any unforeseen Operating Reserve requirements that are not reflected in the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.
Revenue, underlying profit before tax and underlying EPS down at constant currency.
PJMSettlement shall be the Counterparty to the purchases and sales of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves in the PJM Interchange Energy Market; provided that PJMSettlement shall not be a contracting party to bilateral transactions between Market Participants or with respect to a self-schedule or self- supply of generation resources by a Market Buyer to satisfy its Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.
The hourly credits paid to Day-ahead Scheduling Reserve Resources satisfying the Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserve Requirement (“Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves credits”) shall equal the ratio of the Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement to the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement, multiplied by the total credits paid to Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Resources and are allocated as Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves charges per paragraph (ii) below.
The total megawatt volume of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves resources equals the ratio of the Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement to the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement multiplied by the total volume of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves megawatts paid pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.