DBH definition

DBH means Diameter at Breast Height, a point on the tree stem four and one-half feet above ground level.
DBH means diameter at breast height of a tree measured at 4.5 feet above ground surface level.
DBH means the diameter at breast height, which is measured as the width of a standing

Examples of DBH in a sentence

  • A change to any part of the written procedures requires a submission of all changes to DBH.

  • Contractor shall participate in the DBH Outcomes workgroups and work in collaboration with DBH so that Outcomes will be collected, reported and measured.

  • Contractor shall either adopt the DBH Code of Conduct or develop its own Code of Conduct which shall include but not be limited to: standards related to substance use, staff/volunteer/intern/client relationships, prohibition of sexual conduct with clients and conflict of interest.

  • Copy of the County DBH Notice of Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Services Grievance and Complaint Procedures notating it was provided to client at admission to services.

  • DBH may require other reports and/or documentation as deemed necessary.

More Definitions of DBH

DBH means the diameter at breast height, which is measured as the width of a standing tree at four and one-half feet above the ground on the uphill side.
DBH means the diameter of the tree at breast height.
DBH. (Diameter at Breast Height) means the diameter of the stem of a tree measured at a point that is 1.37 metres (4.5 feet) above the ground.
DBH means the diameter of a tree at breast height (commonly four and one-half feet);
DBH means Diameter at Breast Height of a tree, which is measured at 4.5 feet above ground surface level.
DBH means diameter breast height, a standard method of expressing the diameter of the bole of a tree, generally measured at a height 1.3 metres above the point of germination.