Examples of Diameter breast height in a sentence
Diameter breast height; diameter of a trunk as measured by the average of the smallest and largest diameters at a height54 inches above the ground line for trees with caliper of 8 inches or greater as measured at a height of 12 inches above the ground.
Any species of tree belonging to any of the following genera: GenusCommon NameJuglansWalnutCaryaHickoryCeltisHackberryTiliaBasswoodQuercusOakGymnoclodusKentucky CoffeetreeFraxinusAsh Diameter breast height or "DBH".
Diameter, breast height (DBH) – The diameter of the main stem of a tree measured at 4.5 feet above base grade.
Diameter breast height (DBH) means the diameter of a single stemmed tree measured at 4½ feet above grade.
Diameter breast height (DBH): The diameter of the trunk of a tree 4½ feet above the existing grade at the base of the tree.