Examples of Decision Item in a sentence
The Office of the State Controller was previously included in the (5) Finance and Procurement, State Controller’s Office and Procurement Services Long Bill group, however, the Department requested through a FY 2009-10 Decision Item that it be identified independent of Procurement Services in order to mirror the operational structure of the Department.
The State Purchasing Office was previously included in the (5) Finance and Procurement, State Controller’s Office and Procurement Services Long Bill group, however, the Department requested through a FY 2009-10 Decision Item that it be identified independent of Procurement Services in order to mirror the operational structure of the Department.
For the 2009-10 Long Bill, Decision Item #13 – FY 2009-10 Long Bill Realignment was approved, resulting in the transfer of the Office of the State Architect (previously named the Real Estate Services Program) from the Accounts and Control Division to the Executive Director’s Office (JBC figure setting document for DPA, March 11, 2009, p.
Decision Item What is the nature of decision to be taken?Who will take the decision?EXECUTIVE MEETINGS TO BE HELD IN PRIVATE The following items are due to be considered by the Council’s Cabinet and the public could potentially be excluded since exempt or confidential information could be considered.
The email subject line should read: INPUT regarding Decision Item.
As a part of a FY 2015-16 Decision Item to restructure the Office of the State Controller to better meet the needs of supporting CORE, the Department requested the reorganization to effectively reflect new functional groups and functions of the State Purchasing Office within Procurement and Contracts.
The Department requested through a FY 2009-10 Decision Item that the State Purchasing Office be identified independent of the Office of the State Controller in order to mirror the operational structure of the Department.
The Joint Budget Committee approved that Decision Item and the OADC was appropriated an additional $2,306,291 to accommodate the rate increase.
The appropriation for this line item is impacted each budget cycle by the annual Statewide Fleet Replacements Decision Item.
Staff also asks permission to include in the FY 2009-10 Long Bill any amount that is approved for this line item related to Decision Item #NP-2.