Cost center definition

Cost center means a cost category delineated by cost reporting forms prescribed by the office.
Cost center means a division, department, or subdivision thereof, group of services or employees or both, or any unit or type of activity into which functions of a facility are divided for purposes of cost assignment and allocations.
Cost center means the following:

Examples of Cost center in a sentence

  • Cost center reports shall be provided to the Committee members monthly.

  • Effective 7/31/06 – Cost center 5327 is no longer charged a Powerselect fee for Fund 301 (CIT).

  • Cost center means a pool, summary ac- count, objective or area established for the accumulation of costs.

  • Cost center summary alternative budget format(REPEALED)SECTION HISTORYPL 1999, c.

  • Cost center summary alternative budget format (REPEALED)SECTION HISTORYPL 1999, c.

More Definitions of Cost center

Cost center means those areas or functional activities of the Airport used for the purposes of accounting for Revenues, Operation and Maintenance Expenses, Debt Service, Non-amortized Capital Expenditures and Amortization and for calculating and adjusting certain fees and charges described herein, as they now exist or may hereafter be modified, changed, or developed.
Cost center means a grouping of revenues and expenses based on a similar purpose;
Cost center means an identifiable depart- ment or area (including research) within the hospital which has been assigned an account number in the hospital accounting system for the purpose of accumulating expense by department or area.
Cost center means a so called cost center as used by Seller for internal management and bookkeeping purposes.
Cost center means an expense classification, which identifies the salary, non- salary and depreciation expenses of a specific department or function. In addition, cost centers may be established to identify specific categories of expense such as interest, malpractice, leases, building and building equipment depreciation;
Cost center means a department or other unit within an organization to which costs may be charged for accounting purposes.
Cost center means the financial accounting number used for the purposes of payroll expenses and equipment purchases. “Bid on” means request. Addendum B