Deep water definition

Deep water means those areas of a swimming pool where the water is more than five feet deep.
Deep water means water greater than five feet in depth.
Deep water has the meaning given in the Preamble;

Examples of Deep water in a sentence

  • The model includes two options for the numerical settings of the model:  Normal  Deep water (limited bottom interaction) The deep water option is faster, but is only recommended for deep water cases with limited bottom interaction.

  • Deep water prawns (Heterocarpus woodmasoni) were caught during trawl surveys with F/V Ujuzi during 1979 to 1981.

  • Deep water lobster (Puerulus angulatus) and Metanephrops andamanicus were found in waters of over 180 m offshore in an area from Ungwana Bay to Malindi.

  • Fördelningen mellan aktier och räntebärande papper skiljer sig åt mellan olika blandfonder (Pensionsmyndigheten).

  • Deep water passages were therefore added to the MMCO global topography/bathymetry dataset, based on the postulated Middle Miocene ocean paths across the Indonesian archipelago described in Kuhnt et al.

More Definitions of Deep water

Deep water means water above the height of the individual’s chest.The Planning and Support Team should assign an Aquatic Activity Code “0” to “6”for the individual Aquatic Activity Code 0 = Individual does not swim or participate in any aquatic activities. If coded as “0”, Section 2 should have “NO” checked for all activities listed. 1= Near to Water Activities Only and Must Be With Staff Individual participates only in activities near to water. 2 = Shallow Water Only Individual has limited or no swimming skills and does not respond to verbal redirection and may not recognize dangerous situations. 3 = Shallow Water Only Individual has limited or no swimming skills but usually responds to verbal redirection and may or may not recognize dangerous situations. 4 = Deep Water Swimmer Individual can swim in deep water with staff supervision (Comments in Section 2 may define supervision type).
Deep water means areas that are permanently inundated at mean annualwater depths greater than six and six-tenths (6.6) feet. These are areas that are not wetlands but may be adjacent to or surrounded by wetlands and may include lakes, rivers, ponds, and borrow pits.
Deep water. ’ means water depths above 301 meters;
Deep water means areas offshore Nigeria with a water depth in excess of 200 meters;
Deep water means areas offshore Nigeria with water depth in excess of 200 meters. Petroleum Industry Bill 2012, s 363. Interpretations.
Deep water means (x) any well located offshore Turkey in water too deep to be drilled by a conventional xxxx up rig available within the area of the Black Sea at the time of spudding or (y) where a locally available xxxx up rig is not available within the area of the Black Sea when required, any well located offshore Turkey would be classified as a deep water well as the result of the higher cost of mobilizing a rig from outside the Black Sea.
Deep water means water greater than five feet in depth. "Diving envelope" means the minimum dimensions of