Examples of Deferred payment arrangement in a sentence
Deferred payment arrangement may be extended to contract holders in some special circumstances such as large utility bills, customers with temporary financial hardship due to partial or permanent medical issues or employment lapses, problems on payroll timing, or extended absences; except when the customers have failed to comply with previous payment arrangements, have issued more than one check returned by their bank, or who have repetitive credit problems.
These accounts bear interest at the following rates: Monthly account: Silo cost account: Deferred payment arrangement: Interest-free for first 30 days after statement, thereafter classified as arrears.
Deferred payment arrangement with respect to accumulated sick days in excess of 126, for employees electing Option (b)(iii).
Deferred payment arrangement – Effective February 1, 2016, Payment arrangements are structured and administered to maximize the successful retirement of past due utility service amounts owed to the utility while allowing the customer to retain active utility service.
Deferred payment arrangement request checklist Please provide as much information as you can on this list in support of your application.
Richard and Adirika were present together for controlled buys of Oxycodone on multiple occasions, and the government presented additional evidence of coordination between the two in establishing buys when the other co-defendant was not present.
Deferred payment arrangement: Interest-free period that varies according to various transactions and products, thereafter classified as arrears.
Deferred payment arrangement aim at financing a) working capital needs b) redemption of debts c) purchase of GDRs d) import of plant and machinery 95.