Examples of DeLamar Area in a sentence
About 45% of DeLamar Area ore is expected to require agglomeration.Crushed and prepared ore will be transferred to the heap-leach pad using overland conveyors and stacked on the heap using portable or grasshopper conveyors and a radial stacking system.
Both Florida Mountain and DeLamar Area oxide and mixed ore types have been shown to be amenable to heap-leach processing following crushing.
From start-up in 1977 through to the end of 1998, open-pit production in the DeLamar Area totaled 625,000 ounces of gold and about 45 million ounces of silver.
The overall leaching process rate is planned to be 35,000 tpd (38,581 tons) or 12,600,000 tonnes (13,889,123 tons) per year for both Florida Mountain and DeLamar Area oxide and mixed material.
The in-pit Mineral Resources were further constrained by the application of a gold-equivalent cutoff of 0.17 g/t to all model blocks lying within the optimized pits that are coded as oxide or mixed, a 0.3 g/t gold-equivalent cutoff for blocks coded as non-oxide at the DeLamar Area, and a 0.2 g/t cutoff for blocks coded as non-oxide at the Florida Mountain Area.
During mine closure the tailing were partially dewatered and capped with layers of clay and soil as part of the mine reclamation program.The DeLamar Area produced 421,300 ounces of gold and about 26 million ounces of silver from 1977 through 1992 from 11.686 million tonnes of ore processed with average mill head grades of 1.17 grams Au/t and 87.1 grams Ag/t.
Composites were selected to evaluate effects of area, depth, grade, oxidation, lithology, and alteration on metallurgical response.Bottle-roll and column-leach cyanidation testing on drill core composites from both the DeLamar and Florida Mountain Area and on bulk samples from the DeLamar Area have shown that the oxide and mixed material types from both deposits can be processed by heap-leach cyanidation.
This proposed work would necessitate a modification to the existing notification for drilling in the DeLamar Area, and a new notification for Florida Mountain Area drilling performed on patented claims.
However, approximately 75% of the drill data in the DeLamar Area database and 98% of the holes in the Florida Mountain Area are derived from drilling undertaken after the open-pit mining operations had initiated.
Heap leach gold recoveries for the mixed mineralization are expected to average 72% for the Florida Mountain Area and to range from 45% to 63% for the DeLamar Area.