Mineral Interests definition

Mineral Interests means rights, estates, titles, and interests in and to oil and gas leases and any oil and gas interests, royalty and overriding royalty interest, production payment, net profits interests, oil and gas fee interests, and other rights therein, including, without limitation, any reversionary or carried interests relating to the foregoing, together with rights, titles, and interests created by or arising under the terms of any unitization, communization, and pooling agreements or arrangements, and all properties, rights and interests covered thereby, whether arising by contract, by order, or by operation of Laws, which now or hereafter include all or any part of the foregoing.
Mineral Interests means rights, estates, titles, and interests in and to oil and gas leases and any oil and gas interests, royalty and overriding royalty interests, production payments, net profits interests, oil and gas fee interests, and other rights therein, including any reversionary or carried interests relating to the foregoing, together with rights, titles, and interests created by or arising under the terms of any unitization, communitization, and pooling agreements or arrangements, and all properties, rights and interests covered thereby, whether arising by contract, by order, or by operation of Law, which now or hereafter include all or any part of the foregoing.
Mineral Interests means all right, title, interest and estates now owned or hereafter acquired in and to oil and gas leases, oil, gas and mineral leases, or other liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon leases, mineral fee interests, overriding royalty and royalty interests, net profit interests and production payment interests, including any reserved interests, reversionary interests, carried working interests, or residual interests of whatever nature.

Examples of Mineral Interests in a sentence

  • With the exception of Immaterial Title Deficiencies, all such Mineral Interests are valid, subsisting, and in full force and effect, and all rentals, royalties, and other amounts due and payable in respect thereof have been duly paid.

  • The Reserve Reports most recently provided to Banks accurately reflect, and all Reserve Reports hereafter delivered pursuant to this Agreement will accurately reflect, in all material respects, the ownership interests in the Mineral Interests referred to therein (including all before and after payout calculations).

  • Borrower has good and defensible title to all Mineral Interests described in the Reserve Report, including, without limitation, all Borrowing Base Properties, free and clear of all Liens except Permitted Encumbrances and Immaterial Title Deficiencies.

  • Borrower shall not permit any Credit Party that is not an Eligible Contract Participant to own, at any time, any Mineral Interests or any Equity in any Subsidiaries.

  • Balances have been restated, as applicable, following the finalization of the fair value determination on acquisition of Osisko Gold (refer to Note 6(a): Acquisition and Disposition of Mineral Interests to the Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for additional details).

More Definitions of Mineral Interests

Mineral Interests means rights, estates, titles, and interests in and to oil and gas leases, oil and gas mineral leases, oil and gas royalty interests and overriding royalty interests, oil and gas production payments and net profits interests, oil and gas fee interests, and other real property rights in and to oil and gas reserves, including any reversionary or carried interests relating to the foregoing and any rights, titles, and interests created by or arising under the terms of any unitization, communitization, and pooling agreements or arrangements relating to the foregoing, whether arising by contract, by order, or by operation of Law.
Mineral Interests. “Improvements,” “Premises,” “Fixtures,” “Leases,” “Rents,” “Personalty,” “Permits,” “Proceeds,” “Deposit Accounts,” “Tax Refunds,” “Insurance” and “Condemnation Awards,” each as defined herein. To this end, Mortgagor grants to Mortgagee a security interest in all existing or hereafter acquired “as- extracted collateral,” “Mineral Interests,” “Improvements,” “Premises,” “Fixtures,” “Leases,” “Rents,” “Personalty,” “Permits,” “Proceeds,” “Deposit Accounts,” “Tax Refunds,” “Insurance” and “Condemnation Awards,” to secure the payment and performance of the Secured Obligations, and agrees that Mortgagee shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under the UCC with respect to such property. Any notice of sale, disposition or other intended action by Mortgagee with respect to all existing or hereafter acquired “as-extracted collateral,” “Mineral Interests,” “Improvements,” “Premises,” “Fixtures,” “Leases,” “Rents,” “Personalty,” “Permits,” “Proceeds,” “Deposit Accounts,” “Tax Refunds,” “Insurance” and “Condemnation Awards” or other Mortgaged Property, sent to Mortgagor at least ten (10) days prior to any action under the UCC shall constitute reasonable notice to Mortgagor.
Mineral Interests is defined in subsection (b) of the definition of “Asset Seller Assets.”
Mineral Interests. “Improvements,” “Premises,” “Fixtures,” “Leases,” “Rents,” “Personalty,” “Permits,” “Proceeds,” “Deposit Accounts,” “Tax Refunds,” “Insurance” and “Condemnation Awards,” to secure the payment and performance of the Secured Obligations, and agrees that Mortgagee shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under the UCC with respect to such property. Any notice of sale, disposition or other intended action by Mortgagee with respect to all existing or hereafter acquired “as-extracted collateral,” “Mineral Interests,” “Improvements,” “Premises,” “Fixtures,” “Leases,” “Rents,” “Personalty,” “Permits,” “Proceeds,” “Deposit Accounts,” “Tax Refunds,” “Insurance” and “Condemnation Awards” or other Mortgaged Property, sent to Mortgagor at least ten (10) days prior to any action under the UCC shall constitute reasonable notice to Mortgagor.
Mineral Interests means rights, estates, titles, and interests in and to oil and gas leases, coal bed methane leases, and any oil and gas interests, royalty and overriding royalty interests, production payments, net profits interests, oil and gas fee interests, and other rights therein, including, without limitation, any reversionary or carried interests relating to the foregoing, together with rights, titles, and interests created by or arising under the terms of any unitization, communitization, and pooling agreements or arrangements, and all properties, rights and interests covered thereby, whether arising by contract, by order, or by operation of Law, which now or hereafter include all or any part of the foregoing.
Mineral Interests means all present and future rights, titles and interests that Borrower or any other Company may now have or hereafter acquire in and to all (i) oil, gas and/or mineral leases, royalty and overriding royalty interests, production payments, farm-out agreements, net profit interests and mineral fee interests, (ii) present and future unitization, communication and pooling arrangements (and all properties covered and units created thereby), whether arising by contract or operation of law, which now or hereafter include all or any part of the foregoing and (iii) lands now or hereafter subject to any of the foregoing.
Mineral Interests. “Improvements”, “Premises”, “Fixtures”, “Personalty”, “Deposit Accounts”, “Leases”, “Rents”, “Property Agreements”, “Appurtenances”, “Tax Refunds”, “Proceeds”, “Insurance”, and Condemnation Awards” shall not include Personalty or Fixtures not owned or leased, as applicable, by Mortgagor.