Examples of Demonstration county in a sentence
Both baseline spending and payment rates under the Demonstration for Medicare A/B services are calculated as PMPM standardized amounts for each Demonstration county.
The Medicare A/B Demonstration county rate will be risk adjusted based on the risk profile of each enrolled beneficiary.
Baseline costs for the purposes of setting payment rates Medicare baseline spending will be established prospectively on a calendar year basis for each Demonstration county.
There must be experience operating a D-SNP in each Demonstration county.
Demonstration county PCSA managers with extensive experience under the waiver state that the waiver has positively impacted ongoing, placement, and permanency case processes as well as improved agency philosophy or culture.
The Medicare Parts A and B Demonstration county rate will be risk adjusted based on the risk profile of each enrolled beneficiary.
The Medicare A/B Demonstration county rate will be risk adjusted based on the risk profile of each enrolled Participant.
Medicaid capitation rates that are associated with the contracts that support the 1115(a) demonstration program that would apply for beneficiaries in the Medicare Parts A and B Medicare Part D Medicaid prospectively on a calendar basis for each Demonstration county.
Both baseline spending and payment rates under the Demonstration for Medicare A/B services arecalculated as PMPM standardized amounts for each Demonstration county.
Demonstration county responses were fairly well distributed across the response options, with the greatest number pointing to increased per diem rates.