Demonstration Enrollee definition

Demonstration Enrollee. An individual meeting P4HB Program eligibility requirements who selects or is otherwise assigned to a Georgia Families Care Management Organization in order to receive Demonstration services.
Demonstration Enrollee. An individual meeting P4HB Program eligibility requirements who selects or is otherwise assigned to a Georgia Families CMO in order to receive Demonstration services. Demonstration Enrollment: The process by which an individual eligible for the P4HB program applies to utilize a Georgia Families CMO to receive Demonstration services and such application is approved by DCH or its Agent.

Examples of Demonstration Enrollee in a sentence

  • In addition, the State must ensure all appeal and hearing rights afforded to Demonstration Enrollee as outlined in 42 CFR § 431.220 and 431.221.

  • If a Demonstration Enrollee requests a hearing before the date of action, the State must maintain benefits as required in 42 CFR § 431.230.

Related to Demonstration Enrollee

  • Respiratory care practitioner means an individual who practices respiratory care.

  • Managed care plan means a health benefit plan that either requires a covered person to use, or

  • Enrollee means any person entitled to health care services from a carrier.

  • Demonstration means a show, seminar, or contest in which barber services are rendered for the purpose of educating barbers.

  • Approved abuse education training program means a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the department of public health or a training program offered by a hospital, a professional organization for physicians, or the department of human services, the department of education, an area education agency, a school district, the Iowa law enforcement academy, an Iowa college or university, or a similar state agency.

  • New jobs training program or “program” means the project or projects established by a community college for the creation of jobs by providing education and training of workers for new jobs for new or expanding industry in the merged area served by the community college. The proceeds of the certificates, as authorized by the Act, shall be used only to fund program services related to training programs made necessary by the creation of new jobs.

  • Medication error means any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm, while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems including, but not limited to: prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use.

  • Managed Care Program means the process that determines Medical Necessity and directs care to the most appropriate setting to provide quality care in a cost-effective manner, including Prior Authorization of certain services.

  • Chronic abuse or "chronic sexual abuse" means recurring acts of physical abuse that place the

  • Family child care provider means a person who: (a) Provides

  • Potential Enrollee means a Medical Assistance Recipient who may voluntarily elect to enroll in a given managed care program, but is not yet an Enrollee of an MCO.

  • Independent educational evaluation means an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of the child in question.

  • child care element of working tax credit means the element of working tax credit prescribed under section 12 of the Tax Credits Act 2002 (child care element).

  • Clinical nurse specialist means a registered nurse with relevant post-basic qualifications and 12 months’ experience working in the clinical area of his/her specified post-basic qualification, or a minimum of four years’ post-basic registration experience, including three years’ experience in the relevant specialist field and who satisfies the local criteria.

  • Participating Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist means a Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Non-Participating Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist means a Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Managed Care Plans means all health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations, individual practice associations, competitive medical plans and similar arrangements.

  • Respiratory care means the practice of the allied health profession responsible for the direct and

  • Primary care physician means a physician qualified to be an attending physician according to ORS 656.005(12)(b)(A) and who is a general practitioner, family practitioner, or internal medicine practitioner.

  • HMO a health maintenance organization doing business as such (or required to qualify or to be licensed as such) under HMO Regulations.

  • Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) means a qualified person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

  • Child abuse means any of the following acts committed in an educational setting by an employee or volunteer against a child:

  • Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Standards means the accessibility standards for electronic and information resources contained in 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 213.

  • Emergency medical care provider means an individual who has been trained to provide emergency and nonemergency medical care at the first responder, EMT-basic, EMT-intermediate, EMT-paramedic, paramedic specialist or other certification levels recognized by the department before 1984 and who has been issued a certificate by the department.

  • Child Care Program means a person or business that offers child care.

  • psychiatric emergency medical condition means a Mental Disorder that manifests itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity that it renders the patient as being either of the following: