Examples of Potential Enrollee in a sentence
The MCO, its agents and Marketing representatives, may not offer or grant any reward, favor or compensation as an inducement to a Potential Enrollee or Enrollee to enroll in the MCO.
Such statements can include that the Potential Enrollee must enroll with the Contractor in order to obtain or not to lose benefits; or that the Contractor has been endorsed by CMS, the Federal or State government, or similar entity.
If a Potential Enrollee or Enrollee speaks any non-English language, regardless of whether it meets the threshold, the MCO must provide that the Potential Enrollee or Enrollee receives free of charge information in his or her primary language, by providing oral interpretation or through other means determined by the MCO.
The Potential Enrollee is permitted to withdraw the request at any time.
The STATE or Local Agency, as applicable, shall inform a Potential Enrollee of the availability of an MCO’s PCNL in an alternative format.