Depositary Wallet definition
Examples of Depositary Wallet in a sentence
The Bonds are freely transferable.The following rights are attached to the Bonds:Security: Pledge by the Issuer in favour of the Bondholders of its rights, title, interest and benefit, present and future, in, to and under the Depositary Wallet and the Deposited Cryptocurrency and pledge by the Issuer over the Issuance Account and the Issuer-owned Bonds in favour of the Bondholders (the "Security").
The Issuer is expressly permitted to transfer Deposited Cryptocurrency out of the Depositary Wallet if paragraph (a) or (b) above are satisfied.
The Issuer will procure that at any given time it holds such amount of the underlying Cryptocurrency or units of the underlying Cryptocurrencies comprising the Basket on the Depositary Wallet which is equal to or exceeds the Secured Obligations Amount.
The terms of the Depositary Account (Wallet) Control Agreement prevent the Issuer from transferring or disposing of any assets from the Depositary Account and / or the Depositary Wallet without consent of the Administrator, even absent an Event of Default.
Cryptocurrency received by the Issuer through the subscription of the Bonds will be transferred to the Depositary Wallet and secured by a security agreement for the benefit of the Bondholders, the Security Trustee and a bondholders' representative (if appointed).
In case of a Basket of underlying Cryptocurrencies, the units of each of the underlying Cryptocurrencies comprising Baskets will be transferred to a separate Depositary Wallet specifically operated for such Cryptocurrency.
The Issuer makes profit through charging subscription fees, certain redemption fees and ongoing fees corresponding to the Diminishing Entitlement Rate (as specified in the relevant Final Terms in relation to each Series of Bonds) on the Units of the underlying Cryptocurrency or the underlying Cryptocurrencies comprising the Basket received as proceeds for the subscription of the Bonds and deposited in the Depositary Wallet in relation to each Series of Bonds.
The Issuer shall at any given time procure that it holds such amount of the Cryptocurrency equal to or exceeding the Secured Obligations Amount on the Depositary Wallet held with the Depositary (the "Deposited Cryptocurrency").
The Issuer makes profit through charging subscription fees, certain redemption fees and ongoing fees corresponding to the Diminishing Entitlement Rate (as specified in the relevant Final Terms in relation to each Series of Bonds) on the units of the underlying Cryptocurrencies received as proceeds for the subscription of the Bonds and deposited in the Depositary Wallet in relation to each Series of Bonds.
The Issuer reserves the right to redact certain provisions related to the procedures of repossessing the Depositary Wallet by the Security Trustee from the copy of the Depositary Account (Wallet) Control Agreement for security reasons.