Deputy Treasurer definition
Examples of Deputy Treasurer in a sentence
By: Title: Deputy Treasurer ATTEST: By: Title: Assistant Secretary This is one of the Notes of the series issued under the within-mentioned Indenture.
In the event of a dispute, Contractor shall file a "Notice of Dispute" with a Deputy Treasurer of the State Treasurer’s Office within ten (10) days of discovery of the problem.
A certificate of the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the Town that security for maintenance has been given for any work referred to in a progress certificate may be accepted as correct by any person acting thereon.
The insurer and form of coverage shall be satisfactory to the Town Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer and a copy of the policy or other evidence satisfactory to the Town Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer shall be lodged with him before any start is made on the construction of engineering services.
Settlement of Disputes In the event of a dispute, Contractor shall file a "Notice of Dispute" with a Deputy Treasurer of the State Treasurer’s Office within ten (10) days of discovery of the problem.