Designated Heritage Property definition
Examples of Designated Heritage Property in a sentence
The Owner covenants to the City that where the Designated Heritage Property for any reason cease to be in the Owner’s ownership by sale, assignment or otherwise, prior to the advance of part or all of the Grant, the Owner will notify the City in writing of said pending ownership change at least 30 days prior to the ownership change taking place and shall advise the new Owner prior to any such sale or assignment that any monies payable pursuant to this Agreement shall be made payable to the Owner only.
Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant applications shall be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis within each year.
In the public interest, the City of Brampton has established a heritage property incentive grant program intended to encourage and assist owners with the care of heritage properties designated under either Part IV or Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.The Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant is tailored to assist property owners with small to mid-size preservation and/or restoration projects.
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application is accurate and complete, and I agree to the terms and conditions of the Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program as established by the City of Brampton under By-law 266-2011.2. I am the owner of authorized agent of the owner, named in the above application and hereby apply for a grant under the Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program (refer Schedule B)3.
The property owner must consult with the City of Brampton Heritage Staff prior to submitting a Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant application.This pre-consultation is used to help ensure that applications are complete and that they meet the criteria and eligibility requirements.A site inspection of the property and an assessment of possible impacts on existing designated heritage attributes will be conducted by the City of Brampton Heritage Staff.