Affordable Housing Unit definition
Examples of Affordable Housing Unit in a sentence
If the COP or DTHP certificate holder is found eligible for an Affordable Housing Unit in the building, they shall be placed at the top of the waitlist list, immediately after any other COP and DTHP Certificate Holders already on the waiting list.
Each Affordable Housing Unit created in accordance with this Section shall have limitations governing its resale through the use of an Affordable Housing Restriction.
In a Milton Village Mixed-use Planned Unit Development with property frontage on Adams Street, a bonus of additional allowable building height may be granted at the discretion of the Planning Board in exchange for district benefits in the form of only one of the following three bonus incentive options: District Improvement Incentive, Affordable Housing Unit Incentive, or Historic Preservation Incentive.
Pre-existing legal housing stock (no non-conforming pre-existing structures shall be allowed in this definition) located in Bolton that is not under affordable guidelines that has been renovated to current State Building Codes and Bolton Board of Health Rules and Regulations as may be required for the purpose of use as an Affordable Housing Unit.
Once such Affordable Housing Units are built, the units will be exempt from the Special Tax unless and until the deed restriction that qualified the unit as an Affordable Housing Unit is removed.