Examples of Contributing property in a sentence
The unique characteristics of the Historic-Cultural Monument or HPOZ Contributing property are identified under this criterion.
The one and one-half-story Gulf Coast cottage at 926 Conti Street is a Contributing property within the Old Dauphin Way Historic District.
Vicinity Map (Building Outline Approximate) Subject Property 619 NE Third Street The existing building on the subject property is listed as a Secondary Significant Contributing property in the McMinnville Downtown Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places.
Frizzell testified that the subject property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is noted as being in the Bay Head Historic District as a Contributing property.
The bill defines sending sites as properties outside of the DTC that are identified by the Metro Historical Commission as listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NR), eligible for listing in the National Register (NRE), or a Contributing property within a local historic overlay.