DG Renewable Energy Facility definition

DG Renewable Energy Facility means a generation source that:

Examples of DG Renewable Energy Facility in a sentence

  • The delivery by Seller of an invoice shall be deemed a representation by Seller that: (i) all Delivered RECs covered thereby have come from the Aggregated Group of Projects and have the required Vintage; (ii) each facility in the Aggregated Group of Projects is a DG Renewable Energy Facility; and (iii) no substitution occurred across Types of Products.

  • In the first Delivery Year, each invoice shall be accompanied by a list identifying the DG Renewable Energy Facilities in the Aggregated Group of Projects and shall indicate whether Seller has completed the registration process in PJM EIS GATS or M-RETS for each such DG Renewable Energy Facility such that the initial meter read date as recorded in PJM EIS GATS or M-RETS is on or before May 31, 2017.

Related to DG Renewable Energy Facility

  • Renewable energy facility means an electric generation unit or other facility or installation that produces electric energy using a Renewable Energy Source.

  • Renewable energy means energy derived from sunlight, wind, falling water, biomass, sustainable or

  • Renewable Energy Credit has the meaning set forth in California Public Utilities Code Section 399.12(h) and CPUC Decision 00-00-000, as may be amended from time to time or as further defined or supplemented by Law.

  • Renewable energy resource means a resource that naturally replenishes over a human, not a geological, time frame and that is ultimately derived from solar power, water power, or wind power. Renewable energy resource does not include petroleum, nuclear, natural gas, or coal. A renewable energy resource comes from the sun or from thermal inertia of the earth and minimizes the output of toxic material in the conversion of the energy and includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:

  • Eligible Renewable Energy Resource or “ERR” has the meaning set forth in California Public Utilities Code Section 399.12 and California Public Resources Code Section 25741, as either code provision is amended or supplemented from time to time.

  • Energy facility means an energy plant or transmission

  • Renewable Energy Source means an energy source that is not fossil carbon-based, non- renewable or radioactive, and may include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or wave, tidal and thermal ocean technologies, and includes a Certified Renewable Energy Source.

  • Renewable energy system means a fixture, product, device, or interacting group of fixtures, products, or devices on the customer's side of the meter that use 1 or more renewable energy resources to generate electricity. Renewable energy system includes a biomass stove but does not include an incinerator or digester.

  • renewable energy sources means renewable sources such as small hydro, wind, solar including its integration with combined cycle, biomass, bio fuel cogeneration, urban or municipal waste and other such sources as approved by the MNRE;

  • Class I renewable energy means electric energy produced from

  • Class II renewable energy means electric energy produced at a

  • Solar renewable energy certificate or "SREC" means a

  • Hydroelectric energy means water used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • Renewable Energy Certificate or "REC" means a certificate

  • Clean coal SNG facility means a facility that uses a

  • Renewable Resources means one of the following sources of energy: solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric facilities or digester gas.

  • Renewable Energy Certificates or “RECs” shall mean all of the Certificates and any and all other Environmental Attributes associated with the Products or otherwise produced by the Facility which satisfy the RPS for a RPS Class I Renewable Generation Unit, and shall represent title to and claim over all Environmental Attributes associated with the specified MWh of generation from such RPS Class I Renewable Generation Unit.

  • Cogeneration facility means a power plant in which the heat or steam is also used for industrial or commercial heating or cooling purposes and that meets Federal Energy Regulatory Commission standards for qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16

  • energy management system means a set of interrelated or interacting elements of a plan which sets an energy efficiency objective and a strategy to achieve that objective;