DGS&D definition
Examples of DGS&D in a sentence
EMD is not required to be submitted by those Bidders who are registered with the Central Purchase Organization (e.g. DGS&D), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or any Department of MoD or MoD itself.
Indian agents should be registered with Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, Government of India and agency commission will be payable only after registration with DGS&D, New Delhi.
The rate certificate is also required from the sole manufactures that the Rates quoted are the same as they quote to other State/Centre Govt./reputed Private Organisation and DGS&D rate for the similar item(s) and these are not higher than those quoted by them.
However DGS&D rate contracts are acceptable under any procurement under the Shopping procedure # Community Procurement would be applicable to activities under learning/training pilots It would be based on World Bank “Guidance Note For Management of Procurement Responsibilities In Community-Driven Development Projects dated December 2009 and as included in the Procurement manual.
On the other hand, if indent is placed through DGS&D, the Purchaser has the option to sign a separate undertaking with DGS&D rate contract holder, where Bank’s right to audit and F&C clauses could be mentioned.