Digital account definition
Examples of Digital account in a sentence
Digital account See ‘Apprenticeship service account’ Disability See ‘Learning difficulty or disability (LDD)’ Dismissal When an employee’s contract of employment is terminated.
Currently only PKR Roshan Digital account holders can avail debit card facility.
The fact that Debtor’s counsel knew of the ease with which the evidence could have been obtained is shown by the transcript of the January 27, 2006 hearing on the issue of the settlement agreement, where the courtroom deputy informed counsel for both the Debtor and WNL on the record that a CD could be obtained that same day for a fee of $26.12 The Motion contains no showing of diligence in attempting to obtain a transcript prior to the October 23, 2006 hearing.
Alfalah Visa Gold Debit Card can be availed against PKR Roshan Digital account.
Roshan Digital account holders at Bank Alfalah can purchase NPCs by initiating an online request on Bank Alfalah Internet Banking and clicking on “IPS” section.