Director of Finance and Resources definition

Director of Finance and Resources means the Chief Financial Officer of the Trust.
Director of Finance and Resources means the Chief Finance Officer of the Trust. “EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR” means an employee of the Trust holding executive office.
Director of Finance and Resources means the Chief Finance Officer of the Trust

Examples of Director of Finance and Resources in a sentence

  • The Director of Finance and Resources must be consulted if it is proposed to use standards other than European standards.

  • If in doubt, Authorised Officers must seek the advice of the Procurement Officer and/or the Director of Finance and Resources.

  • The Executive Director of Finance and Resources liaises closely with the Head of Internal Audit and Investigation on the progress of specific cases.

  • After consulting the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer, the Director of Finance and Resources will report to the Council and the Council’s external auditor if he or she considers that any proposal, decision or course of action will involve incurring unlawful expenditure, or is unlawful and is likely to cause a loss or deficiency or if the Council is about to enter an item of account unlawfully.

  • After consulting the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Resources, the Monitoring Officer has a duty, by virtue of Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to report to the Council if he or she considers that any proposal, decision or omission would give rise to unlawfulness or if any decision or omission has given rise to maladministration.

  • The Director of Finance and Resources will have responsibility for the administration of the financial affairs of the Council.

  • The Director of Finance and Resources will contribute to the corporate management of the Council, in particular through the provision of professional financial advice.

  • The Director of Finance and Resources will provide financial information to the media, members of the public and the community.

  • The Director of Finance and Resources will provide advice on the scope of powers and authority to take decisions, maladministration, financial impropriety and probity to all Members and will support and advise Members and officers in their respective roles.

  • Where the delegated powers in question relate to financial transactions then the Executive Director of Finance and Resources must be consulted.

Related to Director of Finance and Resources

  • Director of Finance means the Chief Financial Officer of the Trust.

  • Director of Nursing means an individual who is responsible for the nursing services provided in a nursing care institution.

  • Service corporation means a corporation organized under ss. 180.1903 to 180.1921.

  • CFO means an individual who acted as chief financial officer of the Company, or acted in a similar capacity, for any part of the most recently completed financial year;

  • Seattle Human Resources Director means the director of the Seattle Department of Human Resources or his or her designated management representative.

  • School Corporation means the Western Xxxxx County Community School Corporation of the County of Xxxxx of the State of Indiana;

  • School resource officer means a law enforcement officer or police officer employed by a local law enforcement agency who is assigned to a district through an agreement between the local law enforcement agency and the district.

  • Non-Executive Director Means any director who is not an Executive Director.

  • Corporation/ Corpn./ Department means the Central Warehousing Corporation.

  • Search and rescue means the acts of searching for, rescuing, or recovering by means of ground, marine, or air activity any person who becomes lost, injured, or is killed while outdoors or as a result of a natural, technological, or human caused disaster, including instances involving searches for downed aircraft when ground personnel are used. Nothing in this section shall affect appropriate activity by the department of transportation under chapter 47.68 RCW.

  • President means the President of the Corporation.

  • Telehealth services means the mode of delivering health care services and public health via information and communication technologies to facilitate the diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while the patient is at the originating site and the provider for telehealth is at a distant site. Telehealth facilitates patient self-management and caregiver support for patients and includes synchronous interactions and asynchronous store and forward transfers.

  • Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No. 18 of 2013) and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund;

  • Non-Executive Directors means the Directors who are not in whole time employment of the Company.

  • Next Michigan development corporation means that term as defined in section 3 of the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2953.

  • Corporate Services Agreement means the Corporate Services Agreement dated as of the date hereof between the Borrower and the Services Provider, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof and thereof.

  • Operations Manager means the Contract Personnel consented to by the Director in accordance with Schedule 3 Contract Management, Section 2 Key People.

  • General Manager of Railway means the officer - in-charge of the General Superintendence and Control of the Railway and shall mean and include their successors, of the successor Railway;

  • General Manager means the Officer-in-Charge of the general superintendence and control of the Zonal Railway/Production Units and shall also include the General Manager (Construction) and shall mean and include their successors, of the Successor Railway.

  • Finance Company means any Finance Company or other lender with whom You have agreed a Loan or credit agreement through the Supplying Outlet.

  • Renewable energy resources means energy derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectricity. A fuel cell using hydrogen derived from these eligible resources is also an eligible electric generation technology. Fossil and nuclear fuels and their derivatives are not eligible resources.

  • Renewable energy means energy derived from sunlight, wind, falling water, biomass, sustainable or

  • General Motors Financial Company, Inc. means General Motors Financial Company, Inc. (f/k/a AmeriCredit Corp.).

  • Chief Investor Relations Officer means such senior officer of the Company appointed by the Board of directors to deal with dissemination of information and disclosure of UPSI in a fair and unbiased manner.

  • FTI means FTI Consulting Canada Inc.;

  • of a corporation means all classes of Capital Stock of such corporation then outstanding and normally entitled to vote in the election of directors.