Director of Seattle Public Utilities definition

Director of Seattle Public Utilities means the Director of Seattle Public Utilities of The City of Seattle and authorized employees.
Director of Seattle Public Utilities means the Director of Seattle Public Utilities, or his or her designee, or employees of Seattle Public Utilities.
Director of Seattle Public Utilities means the Director of Seattle Public Utilities of The City of Seattle and/or the designee of the Director of Seattle Public Utilities, who may be employees of that de- partment or another City department.

Examples of Director of Seattle Public Utilities in a sentence

  • Except in conjunction with activity requiring a development permit, the Director of Seattle Public Utilities shall determine whether a sanitary sewer or combined sewer is accessible and whether the connection shall be made by a side sewer or by an extension of the public sewer system.

  • In 2020, China ranked second in FDI inflow after the US, and first in FDI outflow.

  • The Director of Seattle Public Utilities has discretion to waive disposal rates for City residents for yard waste or refuse for up to sixty (60) days at a time when the Director determines that unique or emergency situations, such as transitions in collection service, incidents of arson, windstorms, etc., make it prudent to encourage self-haul of refuse or yard waste to City recycling and disposal stations by waiving the disposal fee for a limited period.

  • The Director of Seattle Public Utilities may define by Administrative Rule, pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code Section 3.12.020, special restrictions and limitations on the disposal of certain types of wastes which cannot be handled safely through the municipal solid waste collection system.

  • The Director of Seattle Public Utilities may authorize collection of tires at City of Seattle transfer stations according to restrictions established by Administrative Rule, in accordance with Seattle Municipal Code Section 3.12.020.

  • The Director of Seattle Public Utilities, or his/her authorized agent, has the authority to collect taxes due as required by state law and to make refunds to any person entitled thereto under state law.

  • Pursuant to the Administrative Code (Ordi- nance 102228),1 the Director of Seattle Public Utilities may adopt whatever rule he or she deems useful for the conduct of the Seattle Public Utilities business.(Ord.

  • When side sewer or drainage work, as regulated by Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 21.16 (Ordinance 97016) is without the required permit, the fee shall be double the fee fixed by this chapter, except that the double-fee charge shall not apply in cases where, in the judgment of the Director of Seattle Public Utilities, an emergency has arisen at a time other than business hours and a permit is secured before noon (12:00 noon) of the first business day following an emergency.

  • It shall be the duty of the Director of Seattle Public Utilities, or his/her authorized agent, to issue and sell tickets at City recycling and disposal stations for the privilege of such disposal; provided, that such disposal charges shall not apply to the disposal of earth or other material suitable for road construction when disposal of same has been approved by the Director of Seattle Public Utilities or his/her authorized agent.

  • The Director of Seattle Public Utilities is authorized to annually compute and establish the average local improvement assessment paid by property owners for lateral and trunk sewers completed and accepted by the City during the previous calendar year which average assessment shall be used by him or her in computing the special connection charge imposed in Section 21.24.030 as to sewer improvements completed in 1965 and thereafter.

More Definitions of Director of Seattle Public Utilities

Director of Seattle Public Utilities means the Director of the Seattle Public Utilities or his or her authorized representative.
Director of Seattle Public Utilities means the Director of the Seattle Public
Director of Seattle Public Utilities means the Director of Seattle Public Utilities, the Director's designee, or employees of Seattle Public Utilities.

Related to Director of Seattle Public Utilities

  • Gas public utility means a public utility, as that term is defined

  • Electric public utility means a public utility, as that term is

  • Public utilities means those utilities defined in sections 4905.02, 4905.03, 4907.02, and 4907.03 of the Revised Code; in the case of a foreign corporation, it means those utilities defined as public utilities by the laws of its domicile; and in the case of any other foreign issuer, it means those utilities defined as public utilities by the laws of the situs of its principal place of business. The term always includes railroads whether or not they are so defined as public utilities.

  • Director of Public Works means the Director of the Department of Public Works, or his or her designee.

  • Public utility holding company means: (1) any company that,

  • Director of Nursing means an individual who is responsible for the nursing services provided in a nursing care institution.

  • Municipal electric utility means a municipal corporation that owns or operates facilities to generate, transmit, or distribute electricity.

  • Public utility means any business entity that owns or operates any plant, equipment, property, franchise, or license for the production, transmission, sale, delivery, or furnishing of elec- tricity, water, or steam the rates of charges for goods or services of which have been established or approved by a federal, state, or local government or governmental agency.

  • Public Service Commission means the Public Service Commission constituted under this Constitution;

  • Service corporation means a corporation organized under ss. 180.1903 to 180.1921.

  • Civil Service Commission means the commission required under Section 5 of Article XI of the Michigan Constitution of 1963.

  • Next Michigan development corporation means that term as defined in section 3 of the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2953.

  • Condominium Corporation means a condominium or strata corporation established under provincial legislation.

  • Electric utility means any person that generates, transmits, or distributes electric energy for use by

  • Service Company means any entity employed by the Custodian or the Distributor, including the transfer agent for the Fund(s), to perform various administrative duties of either the Custodian or the Distributor. In any case where there is no Service Company, the duties assigned hereunder to the Service Company will be performed by the Distributor (if any) or by an entity that has a contract to perform management or investment advisory services for the Fund(s).

  • municipal services means services provided either by the municipality, or by an external agent on behalf of the municipality in terms of a service delivery agreement.

  • Local Utility Services XOOM is an independent retail marketer of natural gas & electricity and is not affiliated with your local utility. Your local utility will continue to deliver your gas, read your meter, send you a bill, and make necessary repairs. Your local utility will also respond to emergencies and provide other basic utility services as required. XOOM Energy is not an agent of your local utility and your utility will not be liable for any of XOOM Energy’s acts, omissions, or representations. Price: Your rate for gas purchases will be a fixed price of $0.5990 per therm, plus taxes and fees, if applicable, and a monthly administrative fee of $2.99. You will continue to be responsible for all charges assessed and billed by your local utility for all services it provides, including any other fees or taxes specifically associated with services it continues to provide during the term of this Agreement, including transportation charges payable for Core Aggregation Service.

  • SITC means the Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3), published by the United Nations in Statistical Papers, Series M, No. 34/Rev. 3 (1986);

  • Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.

  • broadcasting station means a station in the broadcasting service.

  • Public Utilities Act means the Illinois Public Utilities Act, 220 ILCS 5.

  • Nonprofit corporation means that term as defined under section 108 of the nonprofit corporation act, 1982 PA 162, MCL 450.2108.

  • resident of a Contracting State means any person who, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or any other criterion of a similar nature. But this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from sources in that State or capital situated therein.

  • Floodplain Management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood control works and floodplain management regulations.

  • Urban Enterprise Zones means a zone designated by the New Jersey Enterprise Zone Authority pursuant to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zones Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27H-60 et. seq.

  • Utility Company means a municipal corporation or commission or a company or individual operating or using communications services, water services or sewage services, or transmitting, distributing or supplying any substance or form of energy for light, heat or power; (“entreprise de services publics”)